Well, as many of you know I do remain neutral on the Internet. Which means I don't side with any religion. But IRL I am a Muslim, although I am not what you call a devoted Muslim. But after years of staying with Totse, my views regarding religion have changed. These past months I have simply boycotted any Islamic activity and today, I just left it altogether. It feels weird but I honestly blame my IRL situation.
It seems Religion is just a limiter that forces others to degrade themselves into something else. I was a fool to actually follow it. Although I enjoyed some of the perks of being a Muslim but overall it just limits you.
Also, I am not going to change my status IRL. For others I might seem like a normal muslim but deep inside by views are different.
Also thread needs to be locked because OP's activity is illegal in his native Pakistan.
I didn't mean that, although I'm not sure if you're allowed to drop religion entirely. You'd know better than I would.
What I do know is the blasphemy you've posted in this thread IS without a doubt illegal in lovely Islamic Republic of Pakistan. As I recall a Pakistani "legislator" was recently killed for suggesting a reform of this law.
Enjoy your rocks to the head.
This is true because a lot of radical atheists are almost as arrogant int their certainty as the religious zealot. I think there is some kind of system to the universe that nobody can truly understand but it isn't "god" in the typical sense. And religion is harmful to society.
I believe a secular government is best, Saddam certainly had that down to a T. The good thing is atheism or atleast anti-theism is becoming more popular, worldwide. I recall seeing a video and accompanying article in 2007 of the rise in atheism in Saudi Arabia, of all places. When I went there on business in 2009 the arabs I worked with over there were atheists, but closeted, like a few muslims are. In addition these were pure arabid types, the ones you'll commonly see in southern Iraq; they were caucasoid, with no non-white blood. It seems mainly the non-whites/racially hybrid latch onto the most primitive of religions and religion in general. It's good to see atheism can rise in even the most restrictive countries, such as Saudi Arabia. Iran has a lot of pagans, but sadly nowhere near enough, it also has a lot of racially hybrid people there who try to make claims as being white "aryan" too.
I will add that white Iranian people are amongst the nicest I've met, they're more likely to follow the old pagan beliefs such as Zoroastrianism or just pantheism, the rest seem to be christians, and of course muslims... some have tried to racialize islam for white people, but that is a futile exercise and the pagans clash over it.
I find it disgusting that Islam is being forced on the Kalash in pakistan.
It is arguable that religion is the glue that holds society together. All religion is, after all, is a set of rules. You can be religious without being spiritual, as well as you can be spiritual without being religious.
That being said, I think society needs some sort of doctrine to abide by or we would still be living in tribal ages.
When we started being dogmatic and fundamental in our beliefs is when it starts being harmful.
My belie is that the major religions are false and created by man for political reasons. Nothing good comes from organized religion and I would like to see it dissapear. Aside from that I can't say that no form of God exists with certainty in that their isn't any order to the universe. I think skepticism is a good thing and that goes or atheists and the religious.
However I dont think that people believing in a God is necessarily a bad thing. There is a large difference between belief in a higher power and religion. Religion is what oppresses and tries to suppress all free thought. To me the problem begins when belief in God starts to override science and reason which it does in religions such as Islam and Christianity.
I do think that a government should be secular if not officially atheist but I don't see any real harm from somebody believing in a higher power. You mentioned Saddam and I agree that be had the right policy on religion. It was especially respectable when compared tom most countries in the middle east. I also believe China has the right idea. They are officially atheist and discourage religion but realize there are more important problems to focus on.
I imagine that felt good
he sure did bust a nut . but what now? dfg. are u gonna start eatign pork n shit now that u say fuk it?
Nah, I am open to them but I am not going to seek them out. I am just preparing myself for other Countries. at least now I don't have to worry about stupid customs
You do know you are gay, dont you? I am not joking, your a homo and I dont think you know it yet. Embrace it, that is the way you want to live. It will save many years of heartache.
Back on topic, OP should get in with us here at:
So rejecting religion makes me gay?
Being gay makes you gay. I just took that opportunity to tell you.
Actually, there's not much evidence to prove that Jesus Christ existed at all. I used to give Sanchez a lot of shit for this when he was a christian. I made some well articulated posts on this viewpoint, so I'll post them as and when I find them, as I don't care to re-write what I've already said in a more articulate way.
But for now, Jesus never existed.
The 1/3 of the Abrahamic religions that is any good is the views it has on women. The might makes right attitude of the Torah and Talmud have always impressed me somewhat aswell, but those stances have been covered and worded in much better ways by better people.