I think LGBT people should do what they want and be allowed to. A persons sexuality is no one's business but their own, and if anyone else has a problem with it then that's exactly what it is - their problem.
Maybe we should all just learn to forget the titles and learn how to have fun whether it's with a guy or a girl, that's what I do.
How do you feel about LGBT people?
I'm in agreement with FATTY, as seems to be a regular occurence. It shouldn't be promoted as a healthy lifestyle, it obviously isn't; homosexuals have higher depression and suicidal tendencies, and "homophobia" isn't the reason why. Not to mention the sexual behaviours and practices that can be unhealthy; bug chasing and gift-giving being the extreme practice by radical homosexual activists. All "human rights" groups should get their government funding stopped immediately and those supporting them sacked.
On the other hand, I can see why some males would rather be gay than dealing with the bullshit and frigidity of a woman when they could cut it out all together. Society should operate on a don't ask, don't tell basis.
DirtySanchez, I know some homosexuals who are racist and far from being politically correct, they're intelligent too; there's also evidence to support that homosexuals are likely to display more intelligence than your average pussy-whipped and emancipated heterosexual. Support of the homosexual movement is where many of them go wrong, because they get into dogma and using dishonesty (many lies are told by movements like the homosexual and women's liberation), hell even white nationalist movements tell a lot of bullshit (nordicism). So yes, homosexuals do have something to offer, but gay pride parades and openly expressed homosexuality should be banned if they want to be apart of the corporate state. I'd rather have intelligent, working and helpful queers with a lower predisposition to crime than non-whites do, in the community; rather than nigs and inbred south asian scum in "da hood."
Yep, you've got political correctness, discrimination laws and the nanny-state to thank for that. Although, I don't mind the idea of the island either. Homosexuality will most likely always exist, but it could be cut down by not accepting it so much; as can be seen in the countries that are, ummm... not so favourable of it.
I wish all Gay people equality and do not have any negative or positive opinions in regards to homosexuality.
Little Girl's Boy Toy
Rolf just wishes they'd shut the fuck up, Rolf knows they are here, Rolf knows they are queer, but they just keep whining, maybe Grand Duke Rolf should disallow LGBT in Rolfheim, states Rolf.
I've had a number of gay friends, male and female. And that's fine with me. But just with anything, be respectful about it. You don't need to go on every street corner and yell, and denounce everyone else.
Your sexual preference is your own, and has no bearing on my life. I served with a homo, wasn't a big deal. And shouldn't be. I'm glad they finally started to abolish "Don't ask don't tell."
But as I said, be respectful. Don't bitch about a group of people, then sit on a high horse as a mighty deity. It's sickening.
I sit them on a low horse as an annoying group of sexual degenerates. If they want to keep their sickening and unnatural behaviour amongst themselves, then it has no effect on me or society at large and serves only to debase them. That is their problem, not mine.
It's when they start doing this on public streets they become a problem:
This depravity has no place in a civilized country.
See this is the kind of shit that pisses me off though, if they hit on you and you don't drop your pants and take it in the pooper right then, you're automatically labeled a homophobe.
As with anyone else that isn't 100% on board and supportive of the homosexual agenda. I am not intolerant of other cultures (if you can call it that), I just think it is morally wrong, and I shouldn't be forced into having to support it. Fuck the government and their pro gay bullshit. GOD HATES FAGS
I'm moving to Texas, faggots are illegal there.