Katzenklaviers Totse MSPAINT contest revival 1

bornkillerbornkiller AdministratorIn your girlfriends snatch
edited March 2011 in Life
This ones for you Katz bro...;)
We're going to have an MSPAINT contest. All pictures must be done in MSPAINT. :mad: (or similar if you use linux....not gimp)

Use XP or Vista paint if you use Windows 7 <<download link.

The theme is! anything "TOTSE"

Contest closes in Two weeks. 15th March....k?

Also, Things you never knew about paint!

Also, right click lets you select and use background color, ctrl click lets you select and use third color. Double click on a color in the color box to make your own color.

Contest Extended - 23rd March.


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