So I'm watching TV and this show is on about young people with psychic abilities. There's this one hot 21 year old psychic chick and apparently she reminds this ghost in her apartment of his wife.
So my question to you: If I somehow met this girl in real life, went to her apartment, and banged her in every vile position known to man, would the ghost haunt me for banging what appears to be his wife?
:hai: This.
I don't know. I seen a episode of Ghost Adventures and one of the cameramen said that the ghost followed him back home, and was actually haunting his wife also which ended up in them getting divorced.
I agree i think you would be ok fucking her and its just a ghost
Maybe I'm just gullible, but their shit seems pretty legit, they seem pretty scared, either that or their just good actors. To each their own.
2. This psychic bitch is probably Psychotic -not psychic