What do you think the next bubble will be? We had the tech bubble of the early 2000s and to crawl out from that bubble we inflated the mortgage market with subprime loans. Will the next bubble be green energy? Will there be another bubble? What say ye, economists?
I do however think the Green movement will fuck inflation until its 20% and then leave nothing but shiny blue glass and big pinwheels in its wake. I have no economics, numbers, or stats to back this claim up.
meta, it's hard for medicine to be inflated. It's not something with little room for supply to expand such as land, shares or imported tulips.
There won't be a burst here in Canada. The Bank of Canada just keeps slowly raising interest rates to reduce the value of homes over the next 5-10 years as to not cause the equity in the majority of mortgages to fall below the debt owed on the mortgage. I'm sure some people will get fucked, but not enough for the bubble to burst. We have pretty solid economics and controls here in Canada that are regulating things pretty well.
Its no accident that 1% of the population controls most of the wealth.. greedy fuckers.
example: A company borrows $1,000,000 in chinese currency. At the end of the year, they only make back $950,000, with a $50,000 loss. However, the chinese currency inflated 10% that same year, so the $950,000 they have left is worth $1,050,000 in comparison to the million dollars from the year before. Therefore they made 5% profit even though they lost money, do to deflation. They made money just by taking the loan and using it.
Eventually this shit is going to end. When the market corrects for this, the world economy will inflate massively to compensate. It's a slim chance the transformation will go smoothly.
This is actually the truth. We're using artificial means to support a surplus population that isn't sustainable long-term. Eventually the means will be exhausted and a massive die-off will ensue. Until then, lets enjoy ignorantly.
It's so far beyond my rationale that more people can't see this; it's blatantly obvious that we are on the brink of fireworks. It's like a house of cards. My mother recently assumed she needed to concern me with her debt figures as I've become more financially involved in this household; I wish she hadn't because I lost a lot of respect for her that day; shit money skills is that dirty little topic that nobody will speak of and victims will justify; like being addicted to cigarettes - no; neither are cool nor honorable and they are equally as dangerous.
Personally; i'm fucked financially, i don't play it up to be dope, I've got to save up to be broke.
Maybe cars as we know them, it was a bubble that burst in the U.S that was re-inflated artificially (even in terms of economics...where everything is artificial)
Just as likely is the entire retail bubble, a lot of people downgraded Christmas this year, people may opt out of consumerism at this level...if energy prices rise any more people will probably think about buying yet another thing that plugs into the TV as well as the power outlet.
The weed bubble, too.
When this shit becomes legal and freely available, criminal empires will fall.
And a good portion of cops. The money just won't be there. Once they can't arrest pot users (And eventually, people will see the logic of decriminalizing all drugs) many police will lose their jobs.. Or they might have to start chasing real criminals. :eek:
Boys will be boys
What crime will there really be? As much of a drug advocate as I am, it causes almost all crime. It's not really because of the drugs themselves, but the territory they're sold in.
Not even that, just the fact that criminals control the distribution. Once all of the customers go to legal shops instead of dealers, the criminal underground loses it's bread and butter.
There are child drug addicts, but when was the last time you saw an alcoholic as young?
It's more common to see children addicted to illicit drugs because drug dealers don't ask for I.D., vendors of legal drugs such as alcohol do.
If we decided to regulate marijuana and other drugs instead of prohibiting it, we could have a say in who it gets sold to.
Its always stocks and investments
Look at the patterns people
Hell it could be the same investments next bubble... like the housing investments
I kinda know the next one but I will not say, I dont want to get fucked over
incase anyone actually takes this too seriously