What are the best methods that could be used to kill a large amount of grass overnight? Preferably something which could be manipulated easily in order to create a pattern or design in dead grass
What are the best methods that could be used to kill a large amount of grass overnight? Preferably something which could be manipulated easily in order to create a pattern or design in dead grass
Ideas please
Grass fertilizer, find one really high in nitrogen, and use it generously. If by some miracle their grass is so low in nitrogen that it doesn't kill it outright, The spots you used it on will turn a much darker prettier green. But mostly it will kill the fuck out of it.
Grass really isn't all that difficult to kill.
Here are a few suggestions:
1 Salt
2 Pool shock/water
3 Bleach
4 Something flamable + matches
5 A strong acid
Grass fertilizer, find one really high in nitrogen, and use it generously. If by some miracle their grass is so low in nitrogen that it doesn't kill it outright, The spots you used it on will turn a much darker prettier green. But mostly it will kill the fuck out of it.
Interesting. I can't help but think that this method would cost a lot for a large amount of grass coverage though, right?
Interesting. I can't help but think that this method would cost a lot for a large amount of grass coverage though, right?
Really isn't that bad, as far as cost.
Wanderer, a lot of that stuff will just wash out of the soil when the spinklers turn on. Takes a few applications for it to build up enough in the soil.
Many of the homemade weed killer recipes include salt. Most suggest regular table salt, some say water-softener salt, others mention rock salt. Salt is salt. Salt kills plants. It may be added to some recipes to kill the plants when vinegar alone won’t.
Salt also acts as a desiccant, drawing moisture out of the plant. Most recipes are intended for use as a foliar spray. A few will instruct you to drench the soil around the weeds, expecting to kill the root more successfully.
Salt is problematic. It will get rid of your weeds, but also anything else nearby. It will hang around, leaving you with long term difficulty when you want to grow desirable plants. You may have heard the term “burned a plant with fertilizer”. That is because regular fertilizer is a salt. Apply it too heavily and plants die. Salt can remain in the soil, even affecting roots from distant plants.
If your desire in wanting to use home made weed killer is because you want natural products, instead of chemicals, don’t use salt as a weed killer. It defeats the effort of trying to develop healthy soil.
The one exception might be if you are spot treating weeds that pop up in cracks in your driveway, patio or sidewalks. Just use it sparingly, as it can leach into the area where good plants live.
I'd use weed spray. Roundup or similar shit. It's good for about 3mnths. Doesn't happen over night though. But worth the wait.
Like TDR said. Diesel fucks it, not for as long but it kills it faster.
I'd use weed spray. Roundup or similar shit. It's good for about 3mnths. Doesn't happen over night though. But worth the wait.
Like TDR said. Diesel fucks it, not for as long but it kills it faster.
If you use roundup, they could returf the next day - it is inert once in contact with soil.
Sodium chlorate is where its at - I have never known it not kill all and you would be struggling to grow anything there for at least 6 months.
Wanderer, a lot of that stuff will just wash out of the soil when the spinklers turn on. Takes a few applications for it to build up enough in the soil.
If if it gets washed out the next day, the damage is already there.
Bleach will almost instantly kill the grass. Pool shock will kill the roots very quickly if it seeps into the ground.
Grass does very poorly in acidic soil so any use of acids will cause lasting damage.
If if it gets washed out the next day, the damage is already there.
Bleach will almost instantly kill the grass. Pool shock will kill the roots very quickly if it seeps into the ground.
Grass does very poorly in acidic soil so any use of acids will cause lasting damage.
I know a guy who spilled oil once and just threw dirt over it. Nothing grew over that spot for 4 years.
Try the used motor oil TDR, and let us know how it works. Would be good info for the future.
I actually came a little when I saw the amount of great information presented in this thread - good job guys
Sounds like salt might be the very cheapest option, but I love a lot of the other suggestions. I might test out the salt method on a small patch of my own grass, just to see how well it works.
I actually came a little when I saw the amount of great information presented in this thread - good job guys
Sounds like salt might be the very cheapest option, but I love a lot of the other suggestions. I might test out the salt method on a small patch of my own grass, just to see how well it works.
Hint: add a bit of water, just a bit, to help increase the soil salinity.
Grass fertilizer, find one really high in nitrogen, and use it generously. If by some miracle their grass is so low in nitrogen that it doesn't kill it outright, The spots you used it on will turn a much darker prettier green. But mostly it will kill the fuck out of it.
Here are a few suggestions:
1 Salt
2 Pool shock/water
3 Bleach
4 Something flamable + matches
5 A strong acid
Interesting. I can't help but think that this method would cost a lot for a large amount of grass coverage though, right?
Really isn't that bad, as far as cost.
Wanderer, a lot of that stuff will just wash out of the soil when the spinklers turn on. Takes a few applications for it to build up enough in the soil.
Used motor oil on the other hand...
^fight club reference, but I'd give it a shot.
Somebody got some grass they need to fuck up?
Go buy some skoal and have at it!
Put diesel fuel in a pump sprayer that is rated for solvents. Like one of these.
Like TDR said. Diesel fucks it, not for as long but it kills it faster.
If you use roundup, they could returf the next day - it is inert once in contact with soil.
Sodium chlorate is where its at - I have never known it not kill all and you would be struggling to grow anything there for at least 6 months.
I can get diesel on every corner no questions asked, no eyebrows raised.
If if it gets washed out the next day, the damage is already there.
Bleach will almost instantly kill the grass. Pool shock will kill the roots very quickly if it seeps into the ground.
Grass does very poorly in acidic soil so any use of acids will cause lasting damage.
I know a guy who spilled oil once and just threw dirt over it. Nothing grew over that spot for 4 years.
Try the used motor oil TDR, and let us know how it works. Would be good info for the future.
Yes, if the OP uses any of the info in this post he must do this.^
Sounds like salt might be the very cheapest option, but I love a lot of the other suggestions. I might test out the salt method on a small patch of my own grass, just to see how well it works.
Hint: add a bit of water, just a bit, to help increase the soil salinity.
just plant a hsit load of moss onto your grass and within a week grass will be gone, permanently
For that matter bamboo or horseradish will over take a lot within a year or two. But I believe the OP is looking for more of an "overnight sensation".
EDIT* It would take much longer than a week for moss to overrun someones yard.