I know it's old, but why is it that every single professional game is played on the same old 3 or 4 boring maps (Echo Isles, Terenas Stand etc). There are so many awsome maps like the Icecrown and Outland themed ones; why can't some of those maps be adapted for 1v1/tournament use? God knows they've had long enough. The WC3 maps are very different in looks and layout, with each requiring different tactics. Top players like Grubby and Moon etc use the same tactics time and time again. Give them a reason to have to change and make the games more interesting to watch.
As much as I love watching the pro replays; watching Grubby vs Moon on Echo Isles for the 56685th time in a row...
Especially the pro players who are too fucking lazy to have to come up with new strategies. I fear Starcraft 2 will suffer the same fate as this. It just makes me sad as these games have the potential to be so much more awsome than they're currently being used as.
If you didn't notice already, a game of starcraft is a game like "rock, paper, scizors" except that...
1. it takes time to prepare the rock, paper, scizor
2. If you get into their personal "space" you will know which item he is going to chose.
And that's a game of starcraft, always trying to find the counter to what your opposing player is doing by looking at several key factors:
-What the hell is the person building?
-different buildings(and add ons) will offer different upgrades for units. You will easily be able to tell a person is going to mass marines when you see that addon that allows 2 units to be produced at the same time. What does that mean? build anti-infantry units.
-How many builders do you see mining?
The number of miners you see will be able to tell you how fast he is trying to build. Take the 10/hatch strategy. it means that at the 10th drone, the player will create a hatchery. This opponent is not planning to focus on military in the begining, and is open to rush attacks. counter? build fast ifantry units.
-Is there a refinery?
refinery means that they are going past the infantry, and into special units and possible tech options. This comes back to..what buildings they have.
Counter? build units that do exceptionally well against those units.
My point is that starcraft, what it comes down to, is extremely basic. The real challenge in this game is just learning to adapt based on someone elses actions and not just "o im gunna build dis unit cuz dey r dah funzies". Every strategy has its high and low points just as much as every single unit in SC2.
By the way i'm half korean.
Good post :thumbsup:
Still doesn't mean they shouldn't be playing on different maps. In Starcraft, the map layout actually makes little difference to the players' tactics but it still makes for a nice visual change. These games aren't football matches where a field is a field. As for WC3; you're right about the balance issues etc, but they've had 8 fucking years to balance the other maps.
Frozen Throne introduced awsome new map 'themes' (outland, icecrown, sunken temple etc.) but these are just being wasted. Maybe you think I'm just full of shit and making a big deal about nothing, but it would make a fresh visual change for spectators. Professional players don't give a damn about it since they just care about winning, but there's no reason whatsoever why they shouldn't make them have to adapt.
Really is very sad to me
relearn how to do everything f---ing christ