COME ON! sim date games are fun for introverts like us :P
its almost like we're talking to reallll people but its like
We've ALWAYS got the right thing to say XD
COME ON! sim date games are fun for introverts like us :P
Rolf disagrees, for Rolf also has an introverted personality, but manages to have girlfriends and a decent amount of friends, states Rolf. Rolf suggests not making excuses for the balls thou lacks, states Rolf.
I don't judge. but I always found simdating to be a bit creepy for my tastes; also I'm not convinved it can be an adequte substitute or 'training' for actual human interaction.
I pray to god this is Joke.
maybe this one will work?
i want to play for fun
lolol, hmmm maybe thats worse
The fail is strong in this one:o
its almost like we're talking to reallll people but its like
We've ALWAYS got the right thing to say XD
Rolf disagrees, for Rolf also has an introverted personality, but manages to have girlfriends and a decent amount of friends, states Rolf. Rolf suggests not making excuses for the balls thou lacks, states Rolf.