I just received my Beta testers key for
this and fuck! It's addictive as meth. Some screens
Just wondering if anyone else has a Beta key or knows any info about this game. I will be happy to answer any questions, but I've only been playing an hour or so.
Fuck academic work, I WILL SURVIVE! (anyone who knows me knows I am obsessed with the Post Apocalypse genre)
*Requested Beta key.
no u
Text based? Well it's mostly point 'n' click, incorporating a turn-based move. Like you can only walk so far on a journey before having to click "Go" again as you have to increase your team's stamina etc. Pretty well designed.
Also I have a Beta invite (just the 1) if anyone wants it now. PM me your email and I can send it. First come, first serve.
You know I want it. lol
Thank you.
Taylor Swift is the most beautiful talented person ever. A goddess, she should be canonized after her death.
That help?
And if we are staying with music, remember that kid I found? Well time to lock him in my safehouse.
Douche, Taylor Swift would be very disappointed with you.
like is it restrictive on ur char if you dont use real money
to buy items / upgrades to play? or is it all free
Most online games that are free have an item shop to use real money to buy items but i have rarely heard of one that requires you to buy items to win, in 99% of the cases buying items just helps you win faster. The reason for this is because a free game has to generate revenue to stay alive it costs lots of money to run servers to host a game especially when having a proper internet connection comes into play. Renting a server to host games on is also expensive most cost $130+ USD a month to rent. There are a lot of great free games out there that wouldn't be possible if it weren't for RMT ( Real Money Trade ).
I also have 5 invites if anyone PMs me an email to send one to.
Oh, and it's free. You have the option to spend RL money on "NECRA Points" but you don't have to. Doesn't do too much other than give you some upgrades which you can get through non monetary means.