hey we have been restricted for excessive use over the last 24 hours and now am looking to errrm acess my next door neighbours router has anyone got any guides on how i would achieve this as have not done such a thing b4?!!!
This is the tutorial I used when I was learning how to do this. I found it to be the best one out there, providing the best results and being very easy to follow. I highly suggest it!
I don't think you'll be able to do it using the Windows OS, sorry bro. I burned myself a copy of Backtrack 4 and just booted the Live CD. You might be able to get it working with VMWare, but I think there are some driver compatibility issues or something which stops it from working.
Once you've cracked it, the password will be presented for you in plain text. Then you'll be able to write the key down, boot in windows and then connect to the WiFi with the password :thumbsup:
I suggest changing your MAC address before you connect though, and make sure your computer name isn't something which will give away who you are. If the neighbors check their router's attached devices, you'll stick out like a sore thumb.
This is the tutorial I used when I was learning how to do this. I found it to be the best one out there, providing the best results and being very easy to follow. I highly suggest it!
last MAC address i tried changing fucked up my pc roally!
Lmfao, it shouldn't do bro. If you're on Windows, use SMAC. If you're on Linux and still using that Backtrack disc, then use macchanger. It's really simple to do, takes less than a minute and won't mess anything up.
well just drove down the road and stole someone elses intewrnet to download linux - installed it ill do it tomorrow when i wake up now - really cant be arsed at the moment!
When you boot Backtrack, make sure that you enable networking before doing anything! You can find that option in the menu under the Services tab, or you can open a terminal and type in;
hush im not that much or an n00bie ...... im using aircrack ... its 100% terminal based program :P
Nice one dude Hope you're doing good. In short, here's what you should be aiming to do...
1.Start your network card on the same channel as the access point you want to crack.
2. Test to see if injection is working!
3. Start Airodump
4. Fake authentication with the AP - you might need to use a MAC address which already exists on the network, effectively fooling the router into thinking that you're a computer which is already on the network.
5. Start Aireplay in ARP request mode.
6. Crack the key.
Obviously you'll need to read that tutorial I posted in order to get a better understanding of it
" This tutorial walks you though a very simple case to crack a WEP key. It is intended to build your basic skills and get you familiar with the concepts. It assumes you have a working wireless card with drivers already patched for injection."
There are a few links in there which might give you some help in determining if you're compatible or not. Personally, I'd just give it a shot and see if it works straight away
I'm sorry if it's seeming a little confusing right now. Backtrack/Linux in general is a very big difference to Windows or Mac, involving a lot of learning and reading in order to get things working.
Stick at it though Oh yeah, make sure there are clients connected to the wireless point you're trying to crack. The more traffic there is on the network, the easier it is to capture IV's.
Noooo. It's not going to install anything unless you click on the "install.sh" file which is on the desktop. Just start the GUI with Startx, then start networking (which I showed in that screenshot earlier in the thread). Then get on with the tutorial :thumbsup:
Yeah but I don't think it installed my wireless card. I'm wired right now and when I scanned with the Wcid crap, not networks show up. I check out the Madwifi drivers site and all the links are dead.
This is the tutorial I used when I was learning how to do this. I found it to be the best one out there, providing the best results and being very easy to follow. I highly suggest it!
I suggest changing your MAC address before you connect though, and make sure your computer name isn't something which will give away who you are. If the neighbors check their router's attached devices, you'll stick out like a sore thumb.
This. muy bueno.
Lmfao, it shouldn't do bro. If you're on Windows, use SMAC. If you're on Linux and still using that Backtrack disc, then use macchanger. It's really simple to do, takes less than a minute and won't mess anything up.
How are you getting on with the WEP cracking?
/etc/init.d/networking start
Careful now, don't want to scare him, all this talk about terminals and shit.
Nice one dude
1.Start your network card on the same channel as the access point you want to crack.
2. Test to see if injection is working!
3. Start Airodump
4. Fake authentication with the AP - you might need to use a MAC address which already exists on the network, effectively fooling the router into thinking that you're a computer which is already on the network.
5. Start Aireplay in ARP request mode.
6. Crack the key.
Obviously you'll need to read that tutorial I posted in order to get a better understanding of it
Alright, I just burned Backtrack 4, just boot right now right?
Yup, good luck.
It says,
" This tutorial walks you though a very simple case to crack a WEP key. It is intended to build your basic skills and get you familiar with the concepts. It assumes you have a working wireless card with drivers already patched for injection."
The hell? Ugh, I have to reburn it now.
I got a Netgear n600 wireless dual band.
There are a few links in there which might give you some help in determining if you're compatible or not. Personally, I'd just give it a shot and see if it works straight away
Burning the DVD AGAIN using ImgBurn on Windows 7.
Stick at it though
root@bt:~# _
Do I start typing the commands now?
Nvm, I did it and the interface/chipster/driver tabs showed up but there is no info below it.
OS is shit. :mad: