I'm curious as to what &T rages at!!
Here's my list:
Pulling out
Dialup internet
When some asshole leaves .234857 cups of milk/juice/koolaid in the container to 'drink'
Pseudo-intellectual hipster faggots
People spouting 4chan memes IRL
Feminists (dur)
Probably you
Pacino's blog
neo cons
organized religion
ugly lesbians
trendy hipster faggots
OP for having a nick referring to LOIC. what a fucking newfag piece of shit [herrr deruppp i can green text berrrr]
#1 on your list is pulling out?? lol
I like all of the other rage items though.:thumbsup:
:mad: Lies!
Old people
People who lick their fingers when they eat
Fuck I hate people who drive painfully fucking slow. Or faggots that pass you while you are speeding then decide to slow right down once they are in front of you
Stupid people who try to major in sciences and either a) Constantly whine and complain about how difficult/how much work it is, or b) Bog the rest of the class down with their inability to grasp basic concepts.
Journalists/English majors who spend years learning how to spew bullshit and never at any point have an actual understanding of the topics they write about.
Dumb fucking soccer moms who refuse to take responsibility for their child's own stupidity, and instead blame external influences (Drugs, fireworks, online sites, etc) for everything that goes wrong in their lives.
The god damn media, which reports stories as half coherent, biased and deluded BS that shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone over the age of 10.
The general population of sheep who actually buy into the media's bias and fear mongering.
Cops who think they're the shit. I especially hate cops who think they're qualified to judge MY knowledge and practices with energetic materials. I once had a bitch cop come to my place on a noise complaint, and after barging into my shop, she proceeded to tell me that 'those propane tanks and that pipe could be used to build a bomb large enough to level this neighborhood'. Despite the sudden onset of an emotion that can best be described as
So yeah, cops are probably at the top of the list.
I hate emo fags that post shit like this at fucking midnight.
Women who don't put the seat up.
Hey, I am not the emotional one that's going off on a text!:rolleyes:
girls who won't put out
More to come, I'm sure.
my job (just working in general)
people who are intolerant of other people's culture
white people
apple products
I fucking hate Richard.
Yeah, what a Dick.
It's not funny, Richard is the cunt of cunts.
At first it was not funny, but now that you are whining it is.
Is this because it now costs more money to douse the cross before you burn it in their yards?
communications majors
Niggers, for the obvious reasons and those I've stated multiple times.
Women, for the obvious reasons and those I've stated multiple times.
Car clampers; they're amongst the biggest assholes in the world. What makes up for this is that they're stupid enough to use PO boxes, which you're legally allowed to get the address tied to it very easily and take matters into your own hands if need be. Car clamps are also relatively easy to get off. Never give in to them, always cut the fucker off (or let enough air out of your tire and drive if it is that type). Time is money and car clampers are time wasters either way at the end of the day. They're cunts.
Muslims, for the obvious reasons and those I've stated multiple times. Fuck the jews, they are not the problem.
Fucking this
-The movie "Avatar"
-People who think lesbians are hot
-Gay people who complain that the term "faggot" is equivalent to "nigger"
-Songs where half of the words are pulled out of a fat white ass at random (I'm looking at you Coldplay.)