Pretty good, actually. Own my own business. Have a few patents being processed. Should be hitting NAMM in 2012. Might not earn what you do, but I'm pretty fucking satisfied so far. And I can't talk too much. Might not have tattoos on my face, but I've got my fair share.
Anyway. Bout time to join in the circle-jerk. This one's about a year old.
Edit: Took a pic. Hair kinda sucks at the moment. Rate away, kids.
wont use numbers, but hawt across the board.
Dude I think I fucking know you...:eek: I have no idea where I recognize you from but I've seen you before
I was thinking "Please be 18", until I saw the watermark in the bottom left corner
Im 22 man. And the watermark is just from the site it was put onto
Yeah okay bub.
quit lying fat ugly whore
Play nice, kids, and try to check the originating urls. It's from a legit fb account. I'll trust it, and I usually don't try to whiteknight.
I'll give her that she's attractive and has gorgeous eyes, but a side shot from the waist up doesn't give the full picture. Need moar!
You cow.
It's from a facebook account therefore it's a picture of "her." Uh huh.
You know modeling agencies and shit like that have facebook accounts right?
P.S. Pakistanis sniff cum
Yes. I'm also aware that there are women on the internet.
I have friends with the same shit on their accounts. I'm giving her (or possibly him) the benefit of the doubt, here.
who cares shes a pig,
A trolling Pig. I've dealt with these kinds of
trolling pigs before. :fap:
Dude I think I fucking know you...:eek: I have no idea where I recognize you from but I've seen you before
Whereabouts do you live?
Me out and about.
That isn't you.:mad:
her after that
Yeah.. I'm a nigger
You look gangster as fuck bruh.. I would not fucks wish you
here's some dude's random facebook picture
If thats what a gangster looks like in England, im moving there to KILL EM ALL
bitch dont lol. ur next.
next for what?
check ur messages
keep refreshing
no fag im not playing your games
n3cr0. people are scared of judgment.
fine. they can judge me first then post some fake pikture.
fatty ok Post your picture.. scurred???
come at me
just like i thought.. skurd...
Wetherspoons, bro.
And you must be either fucking ugly or fat
Box I don't think I see your picture posted .