About 7 months back I made a thread about a girl I liked who had just moved to the area. She had a boyfriend back home but he was a piece of shit and I really liked her but am terrible with girls. I decided to ask Totse what I should do.
The advice that was given to me helped tremendously and I we were soon dating.
Months later we moved into an apartment together. We had (and still have) sex regularly and eventually I knocked her up. I was actually happy about this because by this time I was (and still am) head over heels in love with her.
However things went awry. She was at work one day and lifted a 25lbs bag of sugar (despite my constantly warning her not to lift heavy objects) which apparently caused her to have a misscarriage.
We made it through the terrible happening and came out on top with a stronger relationship. Months passed by filled with little playful arguements and lots of sex. Throughout our relationship I had been showing her articles on Totse and she began to appreciate the community. Eventually she registered but I had to withhold sex to get her to post (I wouldn't really have but I don't think she knew that).
Now we've finally come to the conclusion that we should tie the knot. We're getting married. There is not a definite date yet but its going to happen and I feel that this community has played a small role in our relationship which helped bring us to this point. We would still be getting married regardless of the existence of Totse but because of the insight of many members I felt it would be appropriate to share this with you all and say thank-you very much for helping me.
tl/dr: Username and I are getting married.
When's the totse bridal/bachelor party?
Oh, and:
Pics or it didn't happen.
Yeah we're planning on a long engagement but I don't see anything coming between us that we can't handle. I want to save enough money so we can "do it big" As for the Totse bachelor/bachelorette party I'll keep ya posted.
Amie: oh it happened but I'm not posting pics of her here for all you fuckers to sank to.
We should hang out like last Sunday and fuck bitches all day
When are you not the Debbie Downer? Go find a bridge, you sad fuck.
Congratz to MM and Username :hai:
Give us a date so we can party for your reception.
i can host your &T bachelor party if you want
Words hurt, you know.
Anyway, gratz and best of luck. Hopefully you don't end up hating each other in a year.
brides maid in the movies.
I'm not disgruntled.
But hell, what do I know. Hopefully everything works out.
Oh, take it easy
i Do agree with you though. 7 months is early
and quick. I am one to shy away from the Marriage word.
I take the Charlie Sheen Approach :thumbsup:
Which is why no one will ever love you
youre getting married to a girl you only knew for 7 months?
Emit / Continent?
Exactly! ^ thank you.
BTW I'm MM's girlfriend, he talks about ya all the time
Nah! Congratz brah....:)
First off congrats..... :thumbsup:
But give us some more details than that. Place, who attended, you gonna do anything fun for a honeymoon?
Has she taken your name as Mrs. Muse....rather IRL and as a future Totse monicker?
And you can PM me details about the bachelor party away from the prying eyes of your new bride. :cool:
We were married in a courthouse. Her family attended. We are planning an actual ceremony for next summer. For the time being we need to watch our money but with my new career it will not take long at all to save up plenty of money with which to have a nice ceremony and honeymoon and maybe a year or so after enough to buy a house. For the honeymoon I'm thinking Venice. We both have been wanting to go there and do the whole tourist thing. You know, have a guy take us through the canals on a gondola and whatnot.
Yes she has taken my last name so she is now User Muse. Also you are all invited to the ceremony until she reads this thread again. PM me for details if you're interested and live stateside (sorry dfg, trx, bk, mayberry, c/o and other non US dwellers. Is love to have you but can't afford to pay your airfair).
Thanks a lot all of you. I really mean that. This community helped me with this relationship and I am very grateful. Thank-you so much.
That's all good bro.
I got a 40oz of Wild Turkey. I'll try & save it for this momentous occasion
The Muse
Your breast is best undressed
I'll pause a moment
On your chest
My ear will chance to hear
The heart that will beat
With mine near
Each mortal beat and sound
Will remind me, my
Muse is found
"I bless this union, I am an overlord after all, I can do that"