Lazy man's guide to cleaning out your computer [Published]

edited April 2011 in Tech & Games
Cleaning the dust and crap out of the inside of your computer is often overlooked, and can lead to overheating and broken hardware, which will end up with a poorly performing/broken machine. Fortunately, it is easy to do with the right tools. You will need...
  • Lint Free Cloth
  • Can of air
  • Vacuum Cleaner (Not recommended, but it does the job)

What's first?

You're going to need to unplug your computer from the mains, remove anything else plugged in (keyboard, monitors etc) and put the computer onto a good, sturdy desk at a height which you can work with comfortably. Then, proceed to unscrew the side of the case. You will be left with something which looks like this...


Next up, find yourself a lint free cloth and start going around the metal casing, removing any substantial dust build ups and push the dust around a little - this helps when you wish to remove it later on.

You may find that removing things helps - In this image, I have removed several hard drive bays so that I can reach the back of the tower more easily...


At this point, I got started with the vacuum cleaner and brush nozzle attachment. Personally, I find the vacuum an extremely good way of removing dust and other shit buildup from inside the computer. I was working my way around the machine, until I got to the heatsink. If your heatsink is anything like mine, dust can easily get sucked in and settles nicely. To clean the heatsink, remove the fan and take the vacuum cleaner to it, being extremely careful not to be too rough with it.


After taking the vacuum cleaner around all the heatsink and the fans in the case, you should consider removing dust from the front too. On my case, there is a huge fan sitting at the front, which also comes with a dustguard to stop dust from getting into the system. This sometimes gets clogged up, so suck all of the dust from it.


After you have finished removing dust, you can safely replace the side of the case again and plug everything back in. Before turning the computer back on, however, I took the opportunity to clean the screen using some of this wonderful stuff...


It cleans screens fantastically, whatever they are made out of. I also spray this on the outside of my fish tank, as it is a great glass cleaner. Anyway, remove any dust and fingerprints from your screen with this stuff.

After you have finished all of this, you might want to consider vacuuming the rest of the room too, paying attention to the area in which your computer sits in. If that area is dusty, your computer is going to be dusty too!

Added to CMS by Trx100


  • KatzenklavierKatzenklavier Regular
    edited December 2010
    This is how a real man cleans his computer.
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited December 2010
    Awesome guide, I was just checking your build out. I should post pictures of my PC :D.

    I usually take everything apart when I am upgrading something, msot of the time I just use a blower.
  • MayberryMayberry Regular
    edited December 2010
    It's always a can of air, but I've wondered, would a blow dryer at the lowest setting on cold work?
  • edited December 2010
    Mayberry wrote: »
    It's always a can of air, but I've wondered, would a blow dryer at the lowest setting on cold work?

    If there is a cold setting (no heat AT ALL) then it would be alright. Direct heat onto components would break them.

    Also, watch out for static electricity which can short circuit components.
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited April 2011
    Taken from: Technophiliacs & Technophiles
    CMS Status:
  • buddhabuddha Regular
    edited April 2011
    I usually just take a spray nozzle and the air compressor to it. Not recommended for people who can't fix their own computers. :D Haven't broke anything yet though.
  • dr rockerdr rocker Regular
    edited April 2011
    Did you one day decide to cut / file those heat exchanger fins towards the top left or did they come from the place you bought them like this?
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited April 2011
    I cleaned mine a couple of days ago. It looked like I had beards growing out of my fans. :o
    Nice guide mang. :thumbsup:
  • AnarchyMasterAnarchyMaster Regular
    edited April 2011
    Hose it down.
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited April 2011
    Sorry dude, but fail.
    Thanks for the heads up bro. I guess they didn't like me fleecing their images.:(

    Try this. >
  • edited April 2011
    I actually can't believe the state which some people's computers are in. I remember when I got an old computer from my friend once. They didn't use it much anymore as they'd bought a new one which replaced it completely, and they'd had the computer for a good 5 years I suppose (maybe even longer actually, as it was running XP SP1 or something). Anyway, I took it home and opened it up...

    DUST FUCKING HEAVEN. It was so incredibly bad that I had to vacuum it about 3 times due to the sheer amount of dust. There was even spiderwebs inside, which amazed me.
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited April 2011
    Spiderwebs?! :D
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