The only catch is I need to pass a drug test. I haven't smoked weed since Sunday, and my metabolism is pretty fast, but I'm supposed to go in Friday. My options are either do whatever I can to clean my system by Friday, or call them and reschedule for Monday.
So far my plan is:
- Mosh on vitamins. Like 120 chewables down by Friday
- Drink a shit ton of liquid. It won't CLEAN my pee, but it will dilute it
Any other advice? I'm not going to take niacin since the research I've done has told me it's bullshit.
I honestly didn't think they'd call me back so soon. I thought I had at least a week to get my system clean, and would have another week on top of that before they actually tested me.
Looks like you're fucked for underestimating Walmart. Ironic?
Not really. I could always go with calling them and having it rescheduled for Monday. I'll for sure be clean by then if I mosh on vitamins and drink plenty of water/tea/bleach.
Why will you? Taking vitamins won't knock a couple of weeks off the time it takes for weed to be out of your system.
The increased vitamins will increase my body's metabolism and will help in the detoxification process. It doesn't take weeks for weed to leave your system, it takes 9 days tops. I'm just here looking for serious advice about how to speed the process up.
Here's what you do: work out until Thursday evening; then afterwards, eat a meal with high fat content, and fast until the test; in the morning(or like 4-5 hours before the test if you know when it is) load up on your b vitamins; and drink about a gallon or two of anything really, but green tea is best; wait until your stream is starting to taper off, THEN fill up the cup(well, not fill, but ya know); and you should be good to go.
Things to consider:
1. If they decide to get an expensive test, you might need to get some creatine..they test that to see if you're diluting.
2. There is no need to take vitamins all the way up until the test.
3. Bleach is a bad idea.
Forgot to mention: the reason you eat a meal of high fat content is because the thc will stay in your fat cells more that way.
I have night sweats and work out anyway, but thanks for the advice. I kind of figured that worked but didn't know for sure. I know for sure when the test is, so I can use that to my advantage, and I'll look into the creatine.
palo Azul tea
It looks like bark and taste like shit but will clean you up with 1 day clean.
take 2 hours before drug test
How to make:
Buy 2 packets of tea. Boil water must be close to a gallon.
Let the tea boil till you see a blue film.
Remove bark
Pour into glasses and consume.
The trick i use is taking a lot of supplements
Sweat a little bit then drink all that good tasting tea.
Piss three times before your drug test.
And boom clean piss.
your welcome :cool:
It's not likely, but like I said something to consider. Red meat has creatine in it, so a steak the night before would probably do the trick(maybe).
Like I said, I passed with three days in between, and I have a 20+ bmi too, so you should be able to pass easily.
I'm at 19.9 and that was even adding a pound or two. I'd say I'm 18.8 minimal.
What evidence suggests that overdosing on vitamins (which ones?) will increase your basal metabolic rate?
No one likes a quitter.
this. and get drunk every day, flush your system out.
Just learn to read.
Dont take it personally. Sarahs pissed because she didnt get that promotion at walmart LOL
LOL when I was getting my interview they were training some old fat Mexican that could barely walk or speak English to be a door greeter.