I will never take DXM again. The last time I took it, I took promethazine to keep from throwing up (like I always did). Well it worked, I spent the next 4 hours dry heaving while tripping. It was NOT fun.
I will never take DXM again. The last time I took it, I took promethazine to keep from throwing up (like I always did). Well it worked, I spent the next 4 hours dry heaving while tripping. It was NOT fun.
You gotta take Benadryl with it. It helps every time.
hmm, what is O2 like? never tried it, or even heard what is like.
I'm pretty sure it's placebo. The blood gets saturated to 99% by the 23% of oxygen in the atmosphere. Increasing the oxygen concentration won't actually put more oxygen into a healthy person's bloodstream.
Anyway, the effects are "head rush" and an increase in energy. Not worth it, I wouldn't even use an oxygen bar after having legit oxygen.
You gotta take Benadryl with it. It helps every time.
Interesting, how much diphenhydramine are you talking? I had a prescription strength anti-nausea medicine and it just made me MORE miserable than had I not taken it.
lol, I just burnt the SHIT out of my arm. Second degree burns, spent all day at the hospital. They gave me a prescription for vicodin. GAY.
The nigger in the bed next to mine came in with a chipped and infected tooth and he got 15 5mg percs. As soon as the doctor walked out, he called someone and said that he only got 5mg, so they'd only be able to get $3 each for them. :facepalm: IN. THE. FUCKING. HOSPITAL. A doctor was 2 beds over, she should have put in that fucking nigger's file that he can't get narcotics anymore. Bastards. I had a crispy fucking arm and I only got vicodin.
so this girl was threatening to call the cops on me... she started screaming that we were doing oxy so i drove away and left her in a parking lot. she called me and told me these bullshit charges she was gonna tell the cops about. dumb bitch forgot her mom trusts me more than her... her mom called me and i ended up telling her the truth (i really didnt have drugs [other than hash] on me :O). i probably shouldnt have gotten her mom involved since she wasnt going to do anything. she was way too drunk to go to the cops
so this girl was threatening to call the cops on me... she started screaming that we were doing oxy so i drove away and left her in a parking lot. she called me and told me these bullshit charges she was gonna tell the cops about. dumb bitch forgot her mom trusts me more than her... her mom called me and i ended up telling her the truth (i really didnt have drugs [other than hash] on me :O). i probably shouldnt have gotten her mom involved since she wasnt going to do anything. she was way too drunk to go to the cops
This is why stupid people shouldn't get drunk. It's waste of their money and a waste of what little bit of sense they have. Also, was is something you said to provoke this? You know her well?
so this girl was threatening to call the cops on me... she started screaming that we were doing oxy so i drove away and left her in a parking lot. she called me and told me these bullshit charges she was gonna tell the cops about. dumb bitch forgot her mom trusts me more than her... her mom called me and i ended up telling her the truth (i really didnt have drugs [other than hash] on me :O). i probably shouldnt have gotten her mom involved since she wasnt going to do anything. she was way too drunk to go to the cops
My new oxy script comes today.
Would you have sex with a chick who was just doing it for the oxy?
Interesting, how much diphenhydramine are you talking? I had a prescription strength anti-nausea medicine and it just made me MORE miserable than had I not taken it.
I usually take between 50 and 100 mg's. It's just as good as bud is as far as making you not puke on DXM.
Actually I believe it was a recent decision after they decided to get rid of deactive mods. I guess you just got thrown in on a whim of good faith?
Who knows
Edit again. :mad:
I PMed Dfg. Because of frost's legal troubles, it's as if there were no mods here most of the time. Also, Dose suggested me and I posted some good shit here. I told Dfg I wanted to mod here and he added me later that day, apparently.
This fucking idiot was showing off his gun at a college party. :facepalm: He and everyone else was drunk. He should also get a charge of assault with a deadly weapon because the bullet went through Ashley's chest and hit a guy in the wrist who was behind her.
This fucking idiot was showing off his gun at a college party. :facepalm: He and everyone else was drunk. He should also get a charge of assault with a deadly weapon because the bullet went through Ashley's chest and hit a guy in the wrist who was behind her.
Fucking stupid and preventable shit glad your sister still has a life.
This fucking idiot was showing off his gun at a college party. :facepalm: He and everyone else was drunk. He should also get a charge of assault with a deadly weapon because the bullet went through Ashley's chest and hit a guy in the wrist who was behind her.
Damn I'm sorry to hear this. Man People make such dumb decisions at times :(:thumbsdown:
I called out lsd on all his loser faggot bullshit....and he banned me for PI. Not exactly sure where that came into play, but *shrug*. Its bullshit, but it was soooooo worth it. He shouldnt have posted his pic if he didnt want everyone making fun of him for looking like a skeevy, 110lb, mother-beating, basement-dwelling roxi-tard. I was looking for a way to go out with a bang for a while, and that felt good. Its still hard to believe that we have a 19 year old loser junkie walmart clerk who gets into domestic assault cases with his mom...as our representative. Its truly mind boggling.
I called out lsd on all his loser faggot bullshit....and he banned me for PI. Not exactly sure where that came into play, but *shrug*. Its bullshit, but it was soooooo worth it. He shouldnt have posted his pic if he didnt want everyone making fun of him for looking like a skeevy, 110lb, mother-beating, basement-dwelling roxi-tard. I was looking for a way to go out with a bang for a while, and that felt good. Its still hard to believe that we have a 19 year old loser junkie walmart clerk who gets into domestic assault cases with his mom...as our representative. Its truly mind boggling.
I noticed that, pretty awesome.
I will never take DXM again. The last time I took it, I took promethazine to keep from throwing up (like I always did). Well it worked, I spent the next 4 hours dry heaving while tripping. It was NOT fun.
You gotta take Benadryl with it. It helps every time.
I'm pretty sure it's placebo. The blood gets saturated to 99% by the 23% of oxygen in the atmosphere. Increasing the oxygen concentration won't actually put more oxygen into a healthy person's bloodstream.
Anyway, the effects are "head rush" and an increase in energy. Not worth it, I wouldn't even use an oxygen bar after having legit oxygen.
Interesting, how much diphenhydramine are you talking? I had a prescription strength anti-nausea medicine and it just made me MORE miserable than had I not taken it.
lol, I just burnt the SHIT out of my arm. Second degree burns, spent all day at the hospital. They gave me a prescription for vicodin. GAY.
The nigger in the bed next to mine came in with a chipped and infected tooth and he got 15 5mg percs. As soon as the doctor walked out, he called someone and said that he only got 5mg, so they'd only be able to get $3 each for them. :facepalm: IN. THE. FUCKING. HOSPITAL. A doctor was 2 beds over, she should have put in that fucking nigger's file that he can't get narcotics anymore. Bastards. I had a crispy fucking arm and I only got vicodin.
God, cwe hydrocodone water is VILE. It took 15 minutes to get down. It's so much easier just to push a plunger down.
This is why stupid people shouldn't get drunk. It's waste of their money and a waste of what little bit of sense they have. Also, was is something you said to provoke this? You know her well?
My new oxy script comes today.
Would you have sex with a chick who was just doing it for the oxy?
I usually take between 50 and 100 mg's. It's just as good as bud is as far as making you not puke on DXM.
This will be interesting.
How could I not be a mod, or how could I not realize it.
The reason I didn't realize it was because Dfg told me that it would be later.
FFFFUUUUU- I hate the edit/quote button switching in forums you moderate.
TBH, I have no idea how long I've been a mod here (in BLTC).
Edit again. :mad:
I PMed Dfg. Because of frost's legal troubles, it's as if there were no mods here most of the time. Also, Dose suggested me and I posted some good shit here. I told Dfg I wanted to mod here and he added me later that day, apparently.
I also smoke a lot of blunts because I live in a house of niggas.
The best way to smoke can be gauged in many ways.
I also smoke a lot of blunts because I live in a house of niggas.
The best way to smoke can be gauged in many ways.
Sucks to be you!
And no, I didn't go out of my way to DL it, some cunt linked it to me and I thought it would be something funny
Did you ever get ahold of him? I can give you piegirl's facebook, she's friends with him.
Also, my girlfriend's sister died on saturday. http://www.wftv.com/news/26424996/detail.html
This fucking idiot was showing off his gun at a college party. :facepalm: He and everyone else was drunk. He should also get a charge of assault with a deadly weapon because the bullet went through Ashley's chest and hit a guy in the wrist who was behind her.
Fucking stupid and preventable shit glad your sister still has a life.
Maybe dead thread be less dead nao?
It wasn't my sister, it was my girlfriend's sister. The guy just looks like a dumb mook.
Edit: wait... wut?
Damn I'm sorry to hear this. Man People make such dumb decisions at times
fuck off
fuck off bitch men are talking here, you havent been invited
pacino your so sweet :hai:
u know me bby ily lng time
Ooh you said "Please" I like that. lol
you didnt really like that he said please did u???
would you prefer me to say -
please suck my penis
get on your knees and suck my cock now bitch
admit it, you like being dominated u lil kinky bitch :fap:
thats wazup???
fuck u
What's up Bleh, I didn't know that you posted on totse.info
i normally don't.
you got banned
For what exactly?
I called out lsd on all his loser faggot bullshit....and he banned me for PI. Not exactly sure where that came into play, but *shrug*. Its bullshit, but it was soooooo worth it. He shouldnt have posted his pic if he didnt want everyone making fun of him for looking like a skeevy, 110lb, mother-beating, basement-dwelling roxi-tard. I was looking for a way to go out with a bang for a while, and that felt good. Its still hard to believe that we have a 19 year old loser junkie walmart clerk who gets into domestic assault cases with his mom...as our representative. Its truly mind boggling.
its so beautiful *sniffle*
Im making this into my desktop
lol, i got banned by error today.
He's got this huge boner for me. :fap: