Just like humans? I know that most animals can feel fear, because evolutionarily speaking it's a very "ancient" emotion, so almost all animals can experience. But what about anger? I am guessing some animals probably can, because i remember when I was playing with my Pekingese puppy, when I tried to take things she had in her mouth from her, she made this "grr, grr" sound like she was mad. So that's how I know she was (probably) mad.
So totse, what is your thought on this subject? Can animals get mad too?
Niggers are animals.
Niggers experience the emotion known as anger.
Animals experience the emotion known as anger.
they dont get angry because they know you , but if you start ass raping them hard or beat the shit outta them you'll see that your dogs will turn on you and give you a new asshole.
You are a fucking tard then. Anyone with half a brain would have waited until the young got to good eating size and killed them quick so the meat would not get stressed.
If you did not want to eat or preserve them yourself, I am sure you must have a Chinese restraunt or take away close by who would have bought hem from you.
Torturing something to death? Dont see the point. If you are going to kill something, do it quick. The end result is better. Unless something is going to be food for you, a pet or for sale, or is a pest speices, dont kill it.
To quote another:
I think that is pretty much an undeniable truth, and as such, logically, those animals with a higher level of mental function - think of mamalian animals in the first instance - as have fish, reptiles amphibians and in fact all order of animals - when threatened display a response called Fight or Flight.
Fear = Flight Fear+anger = Fight.
It stands to reason that any animal that displays the Fight response is showing anger. Well, as much as you can ascribe human emotions to as diverse a range of creature from the pig to the butterfly and beyond.
Not true. I beat the shit out of one of my dogs and now she just gets startled a lot, no anger or anything.
You either gave it a lobotomy kick, or it is waiting.
Ensure it cannot be in the same room as you while you sleep.