So right about now, this girl is trying to get high on Stickam and someone linked her to the guide on Totse about making a foil pipe...
And she tried doing it...
And that happened
But now she's trying to make a can pipe and failing HARD.
Oh dear, oh dear...
WE HAVE LIFT OFF... Kind of.
"OH MY GOD, this is laced? Everything is in SLOW MOTION and I forget every 2 seconds and oh my god I NEED TO COME AND TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW"
That's her freaking out.
I get kicked from time to time
She's spazzing like crazy. MAJOR LULZ
Shit just got serious...
Link please! Me and Thirdrock are looking for some lulz.
Smokin brah.
I really fuckin hate I missed this. :mad:
Why didn't she just smoke with an experienced friend? :facepalm:
I should have done that to the nigger on freecams.
Now i know
God, this was hilarious
*calls dealer* "IS THIS SHIT LACED?! Seriously come and SEE ME right NOW, I feel like they're all tricking me, I regret what I've done and...... everything is in slow motion OH MY GAWWWD"
What the hell man?
It was attempted but she'd made it very clear that she wouldn't do that for anybody at all.
This girl ain't even that attractive either. She seems extremely lazy and dumb. She only looks good because she's young.