Ah, TheDarkRodent. Though we knew you well, we did not know you long. May your voyages to other lands be filled with adventure and fortunate happenstance, and may your boat never spring leaks in the middle of the ocean. Please send us a postcard as you arrive to each destination to let us know you are well. And now, we lay your eternal remains to rest. God-speed, TheDarkRodent. May the wind be at your back.
You better be right..
Nah he's just chillin in Hawaii with Tupac and Biggie.
Who's going to be stepping up to the plate next?
Not really, they're just curious. Now TDR is de-modded you should be able to contribute easily. Woudn't you? Or do you have more demands now?
YouTube - Lady Gaga - The Edge Of Glory
SpectraL = Ron Paul
he's on the left
Says the dupe who fell for global erm climate change.
Maybe I'm wrong and it isn't naive to ignore science, empirical data and a consensus amongst experts, and maybe it isn't naive to expect people to just take your word on issues where you have no authority/expertise...But I don't really believe that.
Yup alive and well DL, how is Buddha fairing?
It's all good, I left her and within two weeks realized how miserable she had made me. Plus this time the house and both cars were all in my name alone. :thumbsup:
well, he'll be back SOON!!!
Haven't seen him posts since TDR returned.
The disappointment that I am still here must be too much for SpecGuru to bear.
No, actually my last post was a few scant minutes before you finally announced de-modding Rodent. From that point I figured I would instill a little symmetrical time justice to give you your just deserves in how you've handled(?) things around here.....or unless some topic got so dicey it just needed my input, or if someone was spreading bullshit, lies or half-truths that needed to be corrected.
And here you are now, purposely misrepresenting the facts as if somehow Rodent has pushed me aside. :facepalm: :facepalm:
Just why DO you insist on hanging your hat onto such losers with such devout loyalty and dedication?
ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ the guy who has Spectral or my name on his lips in just about every other post since you returned. You make reference to us so often, I should demand a royalty check you spew my name with such frequency. :cool:
So a two-time loser on that marriage thing, huh? Taking up after your good old Mommy.....not exactly the easiest person to live with, or the most committed in these matrimonial things huh? Maybe you and Mom should just give up this marriage thing and live in your own negative hollow existence together, quit dragging innocent entities into your meager life. :thumbsdown:
Oh, and cut me some slack Rodent....after you respond under 5 minutes flat to this post, I won't be around for a couple of hours. You see I have a family to tend to and we are about to go do some shopping, and yeah....despite the fact I married a female who is just as spastic and irrational as the rest, I can buck up and keep my shit intact.
Awww I missed you too.
We need a hug smilie.
So does the fact it took Rodent just 6 minutes to respond mean ....
A) I'm that damn good. :cool:
C) Both!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ how easy it really is with some peeps on here.
Real hard to predict there Carnac. You see I am on line, make an inflammatory post, and guess I will respond. Were you born with those awesome powers or did your mom make them up for you when you were little?
So as an encore you purposely wait days to respond further, and the only retort you can come up with in that time is some gradeschool "your mom" crack. :rolleyes:
What's next, gonna post the video of you huffing jenkem a week from now....and you'll have REALLY shown me just how uber-cool you are? :fap: