I think it's mainly due to using the old icons. Sorry for that, it can't be fixed unless we have new Icons. VB4 has introduced a new Icon set and I can't reuse the old icons in certain situations.
I'm so fucking mad right nowOmg I swear allahu akbar fucking salekaam selaam fucking bastard fuckHERE IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM-when I post on my iPhone (yea baby pakies don't got dem) I use RETURN to go to the next line ok?BUT. when I actually post the complete thread every line I have pressed return on ends up touching the last sentence (like when I touch your little sister after you go to bed)
LOOK! up there!
That post should NOT be like that because I made 3 paragraphs but it ends up as one????
I'm so fucking mad right nowOmg I swear allahu akbar fucking salekaam selaam fucking bastard fuckHERE IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM-when I post on my iPhone (yea baby pakies don't got dem) I use RETURN to go to the next line ok?BUT. when I actually post the complete thread every line I have pressed return on ends up touching the last sentence (like when I touch your little sister after you go to bed)
LOOK! up there!
That post should NOT be like that because I made 3 paragraphs but it ends up as one????
As you can see
Hmm, are you pressing the return key? I will look into it.
Hmm, are you pressing the return key? I will look into it.
After I finish a sentence on my iPhone like this ill press return Just hit return this should be a new lineHit return again anyway Dfg why you up so early you early cunt
^ there you go, see if anyone else using an iPhone has this problem
After I finish a sentence on my iPhone like this ill press return Just hit return this should be a new lineHit return again anyway Dfg why you up so early you early cunt
^ there you go, see if anyone else using an iPhone has this problem
Slept around 2:40 AM got up around 5:30 AM been busy ever since mate. I think it's an editor issue which will hopefully be fixed soon.
LOOK! up there!
That post should NOT be like that because I made 3 paragraphs but it ends up as one????
As you can see
Hmm, are you pressing the return key? I will look into it.
^ there you go, see if anyone else using an iPhone has this problem
Slept around 2:40 AM got up around 5:30 AM been busy ever since mate. I think it's an editor issue which will hopefully be fixed soon.