seriously, what a fucking twat
people like him make me want to go back to zoklet
Dfg, what the fuck? why is there so many sticky threads in OI ???
its fucking pointless man
fuck this
im off back to zoklet because the mods on this site are fucking idiots
Lol, saying you're going back to zoklet because a few too many threads are sticked for your liking. Go cry more. There are many alternatives to this problem other than making a bitch thread and saying you're going back to zoklet.
Ah well, you'll be back. And if you're not, I doubt anyone will notice. Have a nice day
Well that pretty much negates every forum I've ever seen. Seriously, the entire point of &T is to be communicable, so like Dfg said, if you sent him a reasonably-worded PM, I think you'd get an explanation as to your issue.
Fucking leave then you butthurt faggot. See if we care :mad: