I've had long hair for 7 years running (possibly more, I can't even remember now) and I think the time has come to get it all cut off. I never thought I'd say it, but I think I'm fed up with having long hair and want something different. I grew it out when I first started skateboarding because I remember seeing Bam Margera with long hair and wanted to do something similar. It's going to be fucking weird having it short again...
Has anyone else ever done this? I dunno if I'll regret it but at least hair grows back again!
Also tried the skinhead look (fucked up a DIY mohawk) but I have a large scab on my head from being shot with an airgun, so I kept picking that and walking round with blood pissing down your head isnt a good look.
Now I go for the shaggy look and trim it when the missus says too.
It lets my manly pecs and abs stand out
It was really dramatic. I just saw there while some nigger snipped off my hair.....
I used to shave my head all the time but it makes me look like an evil skinhead, so I keep it short. I have super greasy hair, though, so I have to wash it every day. I want to just shave that shit and get back to business.
I havn't washed my hair in years and don't need to brush it, I just use my fingers. Try not washing your hair for a couple of weeks, it's not as bad as you'd think, let your body sort its shit out by itself.
Mainly because i can't stand that middle bit when you look like you need a haircut.
These types of things are held pretty regularly, always for cancer charities. You might consider signing up and collecting pledges, there are many benefits;
The haircut is free.
People who don't like longhairs will contribute out of spite.
A lot of local people will remember you as 'that nice young boy who shaved off all that hair for charity', I got a lot of drinks bought for me, and people were still bringing it up three years later. In fact I consider it the best PR move I have ever made.
Anything you collect as cash can be donated under your name, I put a jar on the bar where I worked with a picture saying "get this guy a haircut", the $150 that slowly piled up got me a little tax break.
As it grows back, you can check out how you look with different hair, wear a bandanna through the bad parts. I wore spikes for a few years after, but I eventually let it grow back.
"yeah, that was me, are you here alone?"
That's probably the part which I'll look forward to the least. Thankfully, if I do want to grow it long again then I can always just stay at home for a few weeks until it grows back
Lol, what the fuck? I think I read "chest hair" or some shit. Yeah, practically all styles make you look like a dick, so I just part my hair... LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER.
On returning home from getting my hair cut, I decided it looked shit, got a different hairstyle a week later, decided that Vikings dont suit short hair. Wore a bandana nearly everyday for the 18 months or so it took to grow back. I do have fairly blonde hair and it is in good condition, so I dont seem to be 'looked down upon' as others with long hair.
I cannot envisage having it all cut off again, absolutly no reason.
I've been growing my hair out for a little over a year now and I don't plan on cutting it anytime soon. I like it. It looks different and I feel like people are a lot more comfortable around a laid back long haired dude.
I had the same problem with the hair flicking when I buzzed mine.
We can has before and after pictures?