Is there a thread or can one be made to explain the story behind the rivalry of the two sites??
I can explain it easily. was founded in June 2010. It was linked on Cocklet on July 16th 2010. Users moved to seeing it as a better alternative but apparently someone leaked the link and the website was in development. From that point on wards, went from just a minor clone (yes, it seemed that way) to a unique website. We made around 600+ changes, implemented some of the most advanced features and right now we're on a dedicated server which is powerful than Cocklet.
We have a Articles ( original) we can a Content Management system, we're second in content numbers (posts/threads) and we have more growth rate than Cocklet. When it comes to SEO and advertisement, we're leading that front as well.
Only recently we jump from VB 3.8 to VB 4.4 and we're developing things from scratch.
Our Admins and most of the Administration doesn't really mind cocklet. We prefer to co-exist with them if possible but the user base of cocklet things we're this and that and they will always jump to conclusions. In the past we had some issues but they were resolved shortly.
Nowadays, we just work on building this place and try to safeguard Totseans everywhere, regardless of their past crimes etc.
We're anonymous and we protect our users with everything we got, no IP logs and no anything.
The bitching comes because a handful of people from each site see the other as a competitor. If not that, then they simply bitch because coming from a very high-traffic site to a moderate one is something they're not used to. They also bitch because they think it's going to make us butthurt, lol.
That's cool, and I'm glad you plan on sticking around. We have to unfortunately work hard to get our traffic, you guys had the luxury of having it all dumped onto your forum when went down We're trying though, hard.
I can't tell the difference to be honest with you. Both places contained information that no popular forum could deal with. If you scroll past half baked and spurious you can still find honest, educated answers in both places. The only downside to zoklet was people bitching about it the way they do.
I can't tell the difference to be honest with you. Both places contained information that no popular forum could deal with. If you scroll past half baked and spurious you can still find honest, educated answers in both places. The only downside to zoklet was people bitching about it the way they do.
I think that one notable downside would be that getting on the bad sides of certain people (Such as, the cunt of cunts, wires) gets you banned.
We don't have that here. Of course, the community is growing slower than we would like it to, and things haven't always gone as planned, but we're progressing. In the end, we will surpass Zoklet, because even in the Text-files of zoklet, remain traces of Totse. And when people search deeper and look for Totse after they've found their drug-cooking instructions or their bomb-making manuals, they will find us.
True, I've never been banned from zoklet though, so I can't tell the difference. Have you? I like that mods don't have access to users ip's on here, that is definatly a :thumbsup:
True, I've never been banned from zoklet though, so I can't tell the difference. Have you? I like that mods don't have access to users ip's on here, that is definatly a :thumbsup:
Even the Admins can't get your IP's. We flush them from time to time. We kinda of want to protect our user base because we value it more than anything.
If this place had snoopy, JFLC, Ayingerbrau, Rust, Zay, Jackketch and PizzaNazi here, along with KevinLoveIsMyHero, Driveby, Puttinontheritz, 5024L, Poast and all of the PEOO regulars then this place would easily surpass zoklet. The MAIN problem here is the traffic and lack of diverse posting. I really wouldn't mind if we all just forum lynched Tobycocksmoka, having said that, he's one cockroach we can do without here.
Even the Admins can't get your IP's. We flush them from time to time. We kinda of want to protect our user base because we value it more than anything.
Flush IP's? We don't flush something we don't have, Dfg. No flushing goes on around here because we don't log a single IP address, and that's that
smoke meth :thumbsup:
I can explain it easily. was founded in June 2010. It was linked on Cocklet on July 16th 2010. Users moved to seeing it as a better alternative but apparently someone leaked the link and the website was in development. From that point on wards, went from just a minor clone (yes, it seemed that way) to a unique website. We made around 600+ changes, implemented some of the most advanced features and right now we're on a dedicated server which is powerful than Cocklet.
We have a Articles ( original) we can a Content Management system, we're second in content numbers (posts/threads) and we have more growth rate than Cocklet. When it comes to SEO and advertisement, we're leading that front as well.
Only recently we jump from VB 3.8 to VB 4.4 and we're developing things from scratch.
Our Admins and most of the Administration doesn't really mind cocklet. We prefer to co-exist with them if possible but the user base of cocklet things we're this and that and they will always jump to conclusions. In the past we had some issues but they were resolved shortly.
Nowadays, we just work on building this place and try to safeguard Totseans everywhere, regardless of their past crimes etc.
We're anonymous and we protect our users with everything we got, no IP logs and no anything.
But yeah I've got no reason to complain and I plan on sticking around :thumbsup:
I think that one notable downside would be that getting on the bad sides of certain people (Such as, the cunt of cunts, wires) gets you banned.
We don't have that here. Of course, the community is growing slower than we would like it to, and things haven't always gone as planned, but we're progressing. In the end, we will surpass Zoklet, because even in the Text-files of zoklet, remain traces of Totse. And when people search deeper and look for Totse after they've found their drug-cooking instructions or their bomb-making manuals, they will find us.
Even the Admins can't get your IP's. We flush them from time to time. We kinda of want to protect our user base because we value it more than anything.
Flush IP's? We don't flush something we don't have, Dfg. No flushing goes on around here because we don't log a single IP address, and that's that