So I have a local guy I go through when I want to burn $20, he is pretty civilized for someone that deals with small amounts, and I have had no problems with him. Tonight I was feeling a little adventurous, and asked for something else, something I am familiar with, but don't indulge in often. He asked me how much I used, and I said I hadn't for a long time. Long story short, he sold me one thing, but refused to sell me the other, saying; "I only sell that to people with habits, that shit will ruin your life". Well gosh, the stuff he was selling me ruins plenty of lives.
I wasn't too annoyed, and if he wants to roll like that, more power to him. I just didn't expect it from someone in his line of work.
Have you ever asked a dealer for something you knew they had, but been denied because they had a conscience?
Yeah, imagine that......intelligent human beings with *GASP* morals, and aren't just looking using the world while only looking out for THEMSELVES.
Go follow him around for a couple of days C/O....maybe you'll finally understand what "class" really means. :facepalm:
If that doesn't work, murder him and steal all his shit.
He was already selling me hard dope, but I think this might still apply, it would have been a definite break in a pretty long running '$20, once or twice a week' pattern. I had a really hard time getting this guy to trust me in the first place, he is quite paranoid, and rightly so.
I thought of flat out telling him to shut up and sell me the dope, but civilized people in his line of work are hard to come by, and if I piss him off I might find myself having to go through one of his middlers again.
Or when someone asks you do do a bit in front of them to make sure you're not a cop, then tries to take it off what you're buying, bullshit!
No they dont, they lose a sale which they will get later anyway.
yeah, because sales dont come and go with the times