Anyone else enjoy pipe tobacco smoking?

jackiesbabyjackiesbaby New Arrival
edited August 2011 in Life
I feel as if I'm the only person under 60 who smokes a pipe (with tobacco, anyway). It tastes awesome.


  • edited August 2011
    I've tried it before and it's pretty good. As a method of smoking tobacco, I'd much prefer to use a pipe rather than a regular cigarette. Stick some really authentic tobacco in there, tastes pretty funky.
  • edited August 2011
    Solani Red IS WHERE THE FUCK IT'S AT BRO. Don't rlly smoke pipe anymore as the one I had got really gnarly so i pitched it..... Still smoke it at friends' places when we smoke bong on top o da green on occasion
  • RogueEagle91RogueEagle91 Regular
    edited August 2011
    I do from time to time.
    I try to avoid heavily flavored tobaccos.
    Just seems to degrade the experience, imho.
    The one I usually buy is called "Choice English".
    Great flavor.
    Very tobacco-ish with some cigar style spice to it.
  • white88enochianwhite88enochian Regular
    edited August 2011
    ur an asswhole jk i
    was just about to make a topic on whod rather smoke cigs or a pipe

    ive smoked out of a pipe a few times in the past but now sence my fiancie is prego she quit smoking and i tryied to but enmed up smoking out of our old weed pipe which is cheaper her reasoning foir me quiting was to save money for the baby. $2 every 3 days is better then $6 every day

    its a bitch to clean a metal pipe of tabbacco resin tho i need to try a wooden one

    i am getting a new bowl/pipe soon its has a rebel flag on it ill post pics when i get it

    (smoking a pipe as i type this)
  • edited August 2011
    Smoking it out of a metal pipe is a far inferior experience
  • white88enochianwhite88enochian Regular
    edited August 2011
    ive used a corn pipe before but never a wooden one
  • edited August 2011
    You simply must.
  • StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
    edited August 2011
    I very much enjoy smoking pipe tobacco. Unfortunately my wife broke my pipe :( I like rum cured tobacco. It is delicious.
  • edited August 2011
    I have usually gone more for effect than taste when it comes to both tobacco and alcohol, but I see the days coming where if I continue to use either, it will be in a way that is more appreciative to what both bring to the table by way of taste and social ritual. So a couple of questions regarding pipes and pipe tobacco;

    Do you inhale? If you inhale, is it really that different from cigarettes? If you don't inhale, do you think any nicotine is absorbed via the relatively permeable membranes in your mouth? If you have never inhaled tobacco, but smoke a pipe, does it do anything for you above the taste and relaxation associated with setting aside some private time to have a pipe?

    Smoking a pipe fits well with the direction I want to take regarding self indulgence. Less often, better quality, and with more appreciation. Basically I want to trade 10 cigarettes and a 6 pack for a glass of good wine or a decent beer and a pipe (single malt scotch you say?, tried my share, never really enjoyed it) . I suspect I might have to ditch the nicotine though, I am going to taper off using some nicotine replacements for a few months, then try to get into smoking a pipe.

    I hope I can do it, my Grandfather smoked a pipe for most of his life (Sail, or Borkum Riff), and I have all his old gear like the tobacco jar, the pipe stand, and his pipes. The image of him sitting in his chair holding a pipe and reading as puffs of sweet smelling pipe smoke made swirling patterns in the last rays of a summer sun is one I keep in mind.

    "addictions, hobbies, vices, crutches, hedonism, indulgence, ritual, we all have too much fucking time on our hands"
  • white88enochianwhite88enochian Regular
    edited August 2011
    i stoped smoking cigs and went strait to pipe i inhale everything including cigars

    the nicotine goes into your system ether way ( i think you can get filters for pipes)

    ive found out that im more addicted to the smoke (the sensation of breathing smoke) then the actual nicotin
  • edited August 2011
    i stoped smoking cigs and went strait to pipe i inhale everything including cigars

    the nicotine goes into your system ether way ( i think you can get filters for pipes)

    ive found out that im more addicted to the smoke (the sensation of breathing smoke) then the actual nicotin

    nicotine still gets thru filters though... If it didn't there'd be no point in smoking!
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