To start off I am posting this as TDR being as my posts as -Spectral and DaGuru must be approved by a moderator or administrator before you can view them. With what I am about to disclose you can be a certain as the sun setting and rising that DFG would never allow this post to be approved were I to posted under those two accounts. You can also take it to the bank that this will probably be one of the last posts by the TDR account that will not have to be approved. That being said, grab yourself a glass of milk and a plate of cookies kids and listen while old -Spectral gives you a brief glimpse of how a grandmaster troll operates.
For those of you who came from Z*klet you may recall all the speculation that TDR was *insert one of many user names here*.
The most common speculation was that TDR was -Spectral.
Well since my other two accounts are now under such tight restriction and i can no longer orchestrate the elaborate trolling operation I have master minded over the last 19 to 20 months I may as well lay it all out in the open.
I am -Spectral and DaGuru. That is right, for almost the last two years I (-Spectral) have been trolling the shit out of both communities. I started out with all three of my accounts agreeing and supporting the points of view of each account over on Z*klet. many of you may recall the massive anti management campaign which I/we waged against Zok, Wires, and Fish along with many of the other staff members over there. This eventually led to the banning of both of my alt accounts on that site.
So once my trolling campaign was effectively ended at Z*klet by the banning of those accounts I slowly transferred my trolling efforts here. If you recall it was TheDarkRodent account that originally nominated me for the moderator of the bad ideas forum. Now this is where the real fun began. As I have been agreeing with myself too much many of you began to suspect the truth. So that is when I decided to switch gears. I feigned indignation at the idea of a seasoned Totse veteran such as myself having to suffer the indignity of serving as a mere demi mod.
Even if I do say so myself, it was a stroke of sheer trolling genius, when I decided to pit TheDarkRodent against -Spectral. Knowing full well that any of you who may have begun to suspect the actual truth would be throwing completely off track by this epic misdirection. In the weeks that followed I purposely escalated the -Spectral account to unprecedented levels of megalomania. While I simultaneously maneuvered TheDarkRodent account towards a position of reason, tolerance, and fairness in direct opposition and proportion to the levels of megalomania which I displayed under the guise of -Spectral.
As everyone in two communities already pretty much knew that I was DaGuru I chose not to change the behavior of that account at all. I came to the conclusion that being as DaGuru and TheDarkRodent were banned at Z*klet that creating a situation where TheDarkRodet account was the one in good standing here and that my other two accounts were the black hats here that it would create sufficient doubt in the minds of those who were beginning to glean the truth. As always I was right.
You see, my little chickadees, you have to get up pretty early in the morning to get a jump on old -Spectral. But now that it appears there is no hope of ever being able to use either of my other two accounts to their full capacity on this site, and due to the fact that the same conditions exist on Z*klet for two thirds of my trolling trio I have concluded that while it was a great run all good things must eventually run their course.
Now you may be asking yourself how I managed to maintain the illusion, even with IP logging and the like which was available the administrators of both sites, that I was three separate people with three separate IP addresses and host names. Well well well my unimaginative little toys let me lay it all out on the line for you.
The illusion that the DaGuru account and the TheDarkRodent account were two separate people was fairly simple once I decided to place them in close geographical proximity to one another. You see I have family in the greater Cleveland Ohio area who all rely on my extensive technological skills to help them whenever they have an issue with their systems. Being is I live in a different country than they do in is obviously not practical for me to support them in person. So years ago I walked several of my relatives in that area through the process of giving me remote access to their PCs via Windows Remote Desktop Connection. That way so long as the issue was not something catastrophic which prevented their systems from booting and or connecting to the Internet it was a simple matter for me to remote in and solve their problems.
Using these remote desktop connections meant that there was no need for proxy, tor, VPN, or any other of several methods to hide the true location that the posts from those accounts originated from. I simply used the browsers on their machines to create the accounts, store the cookies for those accounts, and create the posts which you have all read from those accounts. Now this is where one of the biggest red herrings I planted comes into play. With my -Spectral account I always took great pains to use numerous proxies, Tor exit routers, VPN services, and other methods to create multiple IP addresses from which that account connected to both communities. With the DaGuru account I never once masked IP address of that host. Which is why I always presented DaGuru as lacking in computer skills. With the TheDarkRodent account I sometimes connected using the various methods discussed above and sometimes connected without masking the host.
By carefully showing three different levels of concern for the identity of all three accounts and by carefully maintaining three separate posting styles I have been able to convince two separate communities that I am three separate people.
But even at that many of you began to suspect the truth again. That was right about the time that I nominated myself for moderator of bad ideas. I did this knowing that those of you the were getting close to the truth would take this as confirmation of your suspicions. Why would I do that you ask? Well, once again, this type of genius is what separates me from you slobbering morons. You see that was the hook which I used to shake your confidence in what you thought you knew. By giving you that confirmation of your suspicions and turning around and creating an inseparable rift between TheDarkRodent, -Spectral, and Daguru by withdrawing TDR's nomination of -Spectral for mod BI and orchestrating the ensuing blood feud complete with threats of bodily harm to one another every one of you who was getting close to the truth had their competence in their suspicions utterly shattered.
Once that rift was created, even though I knew my next move would mean that I was moving to endgame in setting an on avoidable expiration for this epic trolling exercise, it was the most dramatic conclusion I could've possibly achieved to a troll the likes of which you will never see again. That move was to present the other two accounts besides TDR as the bad guys and TDR as the good guy. The opposite of what I presented on Z*klet.
The misdirections, red herrings, and other masterful strategies that I have outlined ITT are only about 10% of the actual manipulations that I have subjected all of you to for almost 2 years. What, did you think I was going to tell you all of my secrets? Of course you did that is why you have all been so easy to troll.
Even if I chose to share with you the other 90% not one of you could possibly pull off what I have.
Now that the cat is out of the bag I am sure that DFG, out of sheer embarrassment, will now place this account in the mite group. But I'm fine with that, after all the account is more than served its purpose and without the other two accounts it is pretty much useless for my purposes anyhow.
So for now I will let you all sit and ponder your stupidity for the next few months while I plan my next massive troll against all of you. So keep your eyes and ears open kids cousin a few months old uncle -Spectral we'll be back. But as you have all shown none of you will know who, none of you will know when, and none of you will know how. That is until after I have had my fun with you again. At that time I may choose to let you all know once more how you have been had by my superior mind. Or who knows, at the conclusion of my next campaign I may simply choose to not disclose and leave you trolled for life.
Yeah, you would think so except for the fact that this account has now been added to the mite group. Of course unless this post is approved you won't be able to read it.
To Dfg, I can only say that your incredibly stupid tactic of muzzling accounts will only show badly for you in the end. People will not respect you, the site, the moderators or the mission statement as long as you openly encourage the stifling of the freedom of expression &Totse has always been known for. You might think playing with the posting privileges of members is neat and cool, but all you'll get out of it is an empty forum in the end. You, too, have made your bed. I highly suggest you remake it before you have to sleep in it for good.
No, I was never TheDarkRodent. Neither was I DaGuru. tDR is just making this shit up out of some warped sense of revenge for something he himself caused. It's obvious from comparing my posting habits with that of tDR or DaGuru's to see this is the truth. My IP has never changed; it's always been the same ISP and the same IP for the past 10 or so years. This Remote Desktop thing would be way too much trouble when I could have simply, in the very beginning, used an American proxy to achieve the same results. But I've done nothing of the sort as far as the -SpectraL account goes. I would never condone the manipulation of another member's personal info, and those who know me know that is true to the nth degree. Neither would DaGuru, because he is obviously a man of great integrity. But we all know tDR would not hesitate to do such a thing (re: Firestarter).
Sorry it all came down to this, TheDarkFaggit, but you kicked and screamed the whole way, and all you had to do was be reasonable and stick to the straight and narrow. Now you're fucked, man. Hopefully you've learned a good lesson from all this and will adjust your game plan to suit. I don't wish you ill will or harm, and I hope the better side of you will present itself in one fashion or other in the days to come.
Over and out...
haha :catfight:;dr/dc
Yeah, this.
Repeat yourself much as you slowly lose your mind to Alzheimer?,1553.0.html
lol That's a pretty funny post to read from someone who's title is Mite.
Spec,Daguru and TDR all one person who would have guessed.
Keep on "approving" posts you cowardly little cunt....and then go back to the other dozen or so mocking all the other immaturity and mistakes you continue to perpetuate around here, and let's see if you got the sauce to approve those too.
Great membership growth too, huh???? :cool:
Why would I stop at this late date?
1/3 of you still don't believe that I have three accounts, 1/3 are pissed off that I got away with this for so long, and the remaining 1/3 are still spinning in circles trying to figure out what to believe.
Nah, 95% just find you to be a spastic weirdo wannabe.....but they realize you are Dfg's pet and nothing will ever come of trying to get rid of you. The other 5% are jealous and want to be the next pet, and are just sucking up to you for their spot in line.
So did we take a user poll and compile those results?
I must admit this is still fun pretending to be all three separate people. Which is why, of course, I will never connect to the Totse TeamSpeak server as anyone but TheDarkRodent. Otherwise when everyone heard the same voice and speech patterns from TheDarkRoedent, -Spectral, and DaGuru all doubt would be removed and the game would be over.
But as long Dfg keeps approving the posts for all three of my accounts, and now that having multiple accounts no longer seems to be a ban worthy offense I see no reason to end the game quite yet.
Keep on coddling/encouraging this kind of insanity Dfg, its just a helluva fun experience for anyone popping in and checking out what Totse is "about".
Bravo. Indeed. Genius. :facepalm:
The only way any of you could ever possibly come to a decisive, final, and accurate conclusion about this situation would be if three separate people logged into TeamSpeak as TDR, -Spectral, and DaGuru. Of course along with that it would be necessary to send some sort of secret word in a private chat session to each one in TeamSpeak and to have all three accounts post that secret word in this thread and send a PM with that secret word to the person who provided it.
Of course, as I well know, that is simply not possible because there is only one person controlling all three accounts.
But none of you should feel too bad about being trolled this hard as none of you have been trolled as hard as Meta with the possible exception of Dfg. I mean that moron made me the Chief Idealist at TDD which is pretty much his right hand.
Can you imagine that? One person getting modded at two different sites under 2 different accounts while maintaining the illusion that the two accounts hate one another. Meta and Dfg simply have to feel like utter fools at this point. It is a good thing I resigned as a mod here before I let this cat out of the bag. I mean after all Dfg put me in the mite group here even though all I did was troll him. I wonder how that thick little twit Meta is going to react when it finally sinks into his half empty skull?
Keep on keepin on are doing WONDERS for making this place into something people would want to visit. :thumbsup:
No it wasn't. If you think about it there are indeed 4 DUNS. The last one however should have been longer so it should have been "DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!"
No, allow me to illustrate with an audio aid...
Oh, and it's definitely only three DUN's.
The whole Specguru ordeal was mostly pretty entertaining, and will continue to be, I'm sure.
Opps. I guess I fucked up when I double posted that, so much for -Spectral being the smart me.
*thinks of a new twist* *snigger*
I want Scooby snack damm it.
How about a warm stick for you to suck on faggot?
Maybe you don't know what a scooby snack is.
No hate brah, it just seem funny at that time.