But -SpectraL has been trolling posting for longer than two years.
lrn2read there you silly man. I said started THeDarkRodent account about 20 months ago and for about the last two years have been using it to convince you that the accounts are three separate people. Now do you get it or are you still confused?
lrn2read there you silly man. I said started THeDarkRodent account about 20 months ago and for about the last two years have been using it to convince you that the accounts are three separate people. Now do you get it or are you still confused?
lrn2read there you silly man. I said started THeDarkRodent account about 20 months ago and for about the last two years have been using it to convince you that the accounts are three separate people. Now do you get it or are you still confused?
When you log onto your -SpectraL account and PM me on Zoklet I will post a screenshot of the proof. Till then crappy trolling is crappy.
ban him for multiple accounts LOL!11!1111!!!! :o:o:o:o:o
This show ended about 3 days ago. But I guess you lost your ticket. I have an idea, why don't you get your ass in TeamSpeak so we can make fun of you in real time.
Wow, you just repeat that shit until your fingers bleed huh? You don't have the balls to get in TS and talk shit. Probably because you are afraid everyone will find out you are 14 year old emo faggot.
Nice trolling dude, even though I know you're lying. Your comebacks are harsher than Spectrals, he would just call someone a kidiot or something not that offensive.
lrn2read there you silly man. I said started THeDarkRodent account about 20 months ago and for about the last two years have been using it to convince you that the accounts are three separate people. Now do you get it or are you still confused?
When you log onto your -SpectraL account and PM me on Zoklet I will post a screenshot of the proof. Till then crappy trolling is crappy.
Says the lad who figured this out in the bottom of the ninth.
I never believed a word your trolling ass ever said.
Calling you a fucking idiot is biting? Many you must have a lot of bites.
I aint your sweetie fag.
This show ended about 3 days ago. But I guess you lost your ticket. I have an idea, why don't you get your ass in TeamSpeak so we can make fun of you in real time.
Wow, you just repeat that shit until your fingers bleed huh? You don't have the balls to get in TS and talk shit. Probably because you are afraid everyone will find out you are 14 year old emo faggot.
Yeah, TeamSpeak faggot.
Says the little lad who does not have the nuts to run his mouth in real time.
Come into TeamSpeak to find out if I am mad Jr.
Alright I will. Too bad you wont hear a word from me since I don't own a mic. :facepalm:
Are you afraid of real time conversation? Would you have to reveal you are not the internet cool kid you try to paint?
Why do you talk about dick all the time?
Dude you are so trolling. You also have claimed to be me as well. :facepalm:
I am going to use that song for a porn video.