We're Meat

DfgDfg Admin
edited August 2011 in Spurious Generalities
I need to fix the thread icons but I am sure you can all cut me some slack considering it's 83% humidity here and I am getting very irritated by it.

Months ago, I saw a comic in my local Newspaper. It was just one column comic and I don't remember who wrote but even after months I still can't forget it. What that comic showed freaked me out a bit, it's like something that not many people would react to but it really hit me hard. Imagine that humans are sheep or goats and there is someone else just using us as meat. I am sure that thought it's that disturbing but just imagine the meat processing.

From hunting animals (humans) to processing them. I mean we're capable of thought and everything and we're not like normal animals, so the trauma and emotional impact is quite high. What freaks me the most is our body parts hanging outside of shops and being sold like normal meat. Just go to a super market and imagine seeing your body warped up in plastic, your legs being hooked and your meat being tendered.

Just reverse everything and put yourself in the mind of an animal. Mostly wild because come one we're humans after all. So, they come after us, they take us down and in one swift move they behead us and let us bleed until the BAD blood is gone. Then they start gutting us. Take out our intestines, remove the shit and clean us up.

Out body is chopped up into pieces, only the best pieces are selected and the rest of the trash goes into other lower markets. Our heads are smashed and the brain matter is extracted and later sold to major restaurants. Basically, what I am saying the whole human society structure would stay in place but we as humans would be the prime food. It could happen if the aliens really existed.

It's just something makes me uncomfortable for some reason. I guess just imagining my legs on the stall with flies roaming around it, isn't a pleasant thought after all.

Fuck this weather.


  • MooseKnuckleMooseKnuckle Regular
    edited August 2011
    this thread made me hungry.. it would be hard to see or even imagine though
  • StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
    edited August 2011
    I often think of death and dismemberment of others and of myself. I catch myself smiling when I do. I have never considered human consumption before, especially not in the theory of humans being used as meat. The idea of finding calves and chests and thighs at a buy two get one free discount from a butcher's shop chills and frightens me.

    My hands are shaking, trembling. I'm hungry, very hungry. Thank-you Dr. Frankenstein for creating in me this new monster of an idea.
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited August 2011
    I often think of death and dismemberment of others and of myself. I catch myself smiling when I do. I have never considered human consumption before, especially not in the theory of humans being used as meat. The idea of finding calves and chests and thighs at a buy two get one free discount from a butcher's shop chills and frightens me.

    My hands are shaking, trembling. I'm hungry, very hungry. Thank-you Dr. Frankenstein for creating in me this new monster of an idea.

    Aaaa in the comic, pigs were buying it. Don't get too freaky on me brah.
  • ducklipsducklips Regular
    edited August 2011
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