AS much as people hate him, it sucks to die like him. Fuck, even with that amount of money, he can't buy his way out of this. Fuck this shit man. this sucks. I feel sad now.
Man, this saddens me, it really does. He might have been CEO of MACS! But, he was also CEO of iPods, iTunes, and a lot of awesome things. This is a real shame.
Wow, never realized he looked anything like that. He looks super ill. Oh well, hopefully Apple will slowly descend into a spiralling pit of firey death until they stop producing products completely
I just shat bricks at this. Thank you
lol like a BITCH!
It's hard not a lol at this.
'Maybe I should have invented a cure for cancer instead of some shitty phone that plays music'.
:thumbsup: That was truly clever.
Kudos to you for coming up with that :thumbsup:
Available this coming fall.
All jokes aside though, I am thankful that he was the person behind iPhones. I love my iPhone. He'll, I'm even posting this on an iPhone.
yeah, with its shitty auto correct that turns hell into he'll :facepalm:
No matter how much money you have, what's the point of having it all when you are sick in bed every day....,0,7477308.story
Shame on you guys for making fun of him.
I feel sad.
I wonder what's going to happen to his estate. He didn't seem the philanthropic kind.
I re-confirm my emotion on his death.