I can't be the only one. Come on, admit it. I shamelessly do the bare minimum in life. Not lazy, just not motivated. I don't excel at really anything & always talk about doing things but never actually make things happen. I'm content with coasting, how about you?
Everything else I tend to do to the best of my ability, like schoolwork. Sometimes I just can't be bothered to do anything though.
Same. I started making to do lists & have been slowly crossing things off. Little things I tend to put off.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone."
how did you know?
Learn cabinet making and exquisite joinery. Imagine the satisfaction from cutting a dovetail such as this by hand.
This. My friend told it me it was because i am a cat
Actually, I have thought that picking up a creative hobby would help me some. I dunno, I mean I'm just really pondering life lately. A couple things triggered it recently. I kind of feel like I'm floundering. I wish I had the drive to do something with my life but there's just nothing that motivates me. I think I've become bored & restless. My days are spent doing menial tasks like cleaning, cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, yard work, etc. I need something to focus on & I want something to look forward to. Right now, it's the same shit, different day.
Fucking awesome writer.
Self reliance is not something that can be unlearnt.
Nirvana is the cessation of all desires. What is time? What's the difference between having wasted a few years and lifetime when you compare it to the infinite and realize that you were never alive in the sense you thought you were and that illusion will end when you "die"?
Well, at least I'll have to keep stagnating for 6 more years to get to your level.
How about if you just kill yourself and save yourself some time and the rest of us some money?
Die in a fire. As much as I fail at life, I've come further than you ever will.
My husband is white, not a nigger you fucking SPIC.
Well I guess if the bare minimum is eat, sleep, breathe, and jack off then yeah I do that. But I mean other things that people are supposed to do like have a job and finish high school and find friends and shit like that. I don't do any of those.
Great to see you're doing well. Life is an endless struggle and you just have to keep on going. Whenever I think about drinking, smoking or even doing drugs, I just read what happened to people around the world, nothing good ever comes out of it and pill abuse is something I would love to avoid all my life. Maybe I was protected because I lived in a closed off society but deep down I know I will never try those things. You just need to focus on your true self, sure everyone does questionable stuff, I mean look at me, I used to write some really messed up stuff but that just a phase and thanks to my loving personality I overcame it.
Being Anti-social isn't a bad thing, I avoid any social contact myself although I am perfectly capable of blending in, I do have urges to go out and just be somewhere but since I live in Pakistan, I know whatever I do I would only be pretending. So, keep up the good work, remember there is more to life than just drugs. I walk/run every other day and I love it, even in this really hot weather (at night it's 33-38C) I still run. I run because it's the only thing keeping me grounded to reality and it's my source of motivation.
Right now, I am living with my family. I moved back in and now I have finally decided what to do with my life. I don't plan to live in Pakistan for the rest of my life, for that I will have to work hard. I don't want to move to come Country and wash cars forever, I want to study and get my degree in a field that I love (video production) and I want to settle down in future with a girl that I know will able to work with me and become my source of power and happiness. I actually good at being myself and lonely, I rarely get depressed but I do long for some female company but considering how much I have to give to get something superficial in return, I just don't think it's worth it.
Sorry for the long rant. I just wanted to say something.