I have not had a haircut in several years; I'm going to attempt to get a job soon and believe I should get one.
I have no idea what it should look like, so you guys should pick for me. I don't really care as long as it isn't terribly short, and you think I have a chance of becoming employed.
Bonus points if it stops chicks from calling me Ron Weasly.
Picture I just took:
BTW, you are ginger and have no soul / piss the bed. But you know that.
Haha, I just shat bricks.
I've never heard of the piss the bed one
Already got haircut BTW
I used to have a mohawk then gave it the buzzcut after 6 years.
Now that was a weird experience.
I would not worry about it. At the end of the day, people can see your ginger hair from miles away, but they would have to be within 100 yards or so to smell the pissy / digestive buscuit smell.
I look dep
Taken with authentic shitty netbook webcam!
Agreed, time spent in shower was cut in half
Yer a wizard, Ron!
Much better I think. I have a few ginger mates who, despite their hair handicap, pull it off quite well. Short and spikey FTW.
This, but the same length all over.