A friend of mine has been "contracted" to remove a dozen 6x6 wooden fence posts from a piece of land near his house. These posts were installed by the city to prevent vehicle access to the land beyond, which my friend often uses for certain "business" ventures.
Unfortunately, the location and depth of the posts is presenting a bit of a problem for my friend. The gate was constructed directly at the entrance of the road, only 10 meters from a residential area, making a chainsaw or explosives too loud for use, and incendiary devices/fire too bright. Removing the posts from the ground is one potential option, but they are buried 4 feet deep, and it would take an awfully long time to dig them up by hand.
Anyone have some bad ideas for my friend?
:facepalm: and how would you make the termites specifically nest in the wooden posts, when they could easily find some nice, soft deadwood nearby?
Chemical stump remover works rather slowly.
It's a shame they can't be blown up
The truck idea would work, but if you've never done it before or don't know much about trucks you could just embarrass yourself by destroying the truck or ripping out the rear axle and leaving a nice and easy piece of evidence behind. 6x6 posts 4 feet deep isn't something that's fucking around, that's beefy.