I'm actually kinda pissed off at the Google camera. I was out with my friend when it drove past, so I checked Google that night to find that the whole street had been updated, EXCEPT the ONE FRAME WHICH I WAS IN! :mad: What a fucking douche bag.
I had my entire street removed. I don't like the idea that the whole world and his dog can just type in my address and get panoramic photos of my house from every angle...
I had my entire street removed. I don't like the idea that the whole world and his dog can just type in my address and get panoramic photos of my house from every angle...
How can you have it removed? I would like to do that.
mmm, sweet public urination.
Copypasta this into the search.
28 Sparrowhawk Road, Long Gully, Victoria, Australia
2 clicks to the right.
Orange MKII Hilux?
How can you have it removed? I would like to do that.
Slumber parties by Fiona?
Is it the blue arch in the sky?
That looks like a badly drawn knob.
Me and the missus followed one for about five minutes, but it doesn't appear it was recording at the time:facepalm::facepalm:..
The prople across the road from me are getting into their car, and no I'm not posting the address.
Looking at it, it allways feels like the car is driving on the wrong side of the road.
Yep! Someone drew a badly drawn penis on the front camera. I wish I thought of it, I would've written our url on thar.
They were more than likely hacking into everyones wireless. Its the google way.
Take a step forward.