Which do you prefer? I just drank myself a can of Diet Coke, which I think I prefer. Given the choice between the two, I'll choose Diet just because it's got no sugar in it
I can't stand the aftertaste diet coke leaves in my mouth. For that matter I don't like the aftertaste of anything with artificial sweeteners whether it be aspertane or splenda.
Aspartame will fuck you up long term. It has been linked to a lot of health problems, including reduced serotonin production. I used to drink about 3-5 Diet Cokes PER DAY, and when I stopped, holy shit, major headaches. They eventually went away, and now when I drink one (or anything with aspartame in it) I feel like complete shit.
Sugar will fuck you up long term. It has been linked to a lot of health problems, including diabetes. I used to drink about 3-5 Cokes PER DAY, and when I stopped, holy shit, I lost 10 pounds and felt great.
I usually drink iced water with a splash of 100% apple juice in it. It's addictive. Like jenkem.
Neither - they both have phosphoric acid in (a lot of soft drinks do) and it rots your bones. Studies into teenage / early adult car crash victims in the USA have shown that those that have drank a lot of coke or similar in their lives have bones of old women and are at much greater risks of osteoporosis / broken bones.
Also, the "caramel color" they use isn't caramel, and is actually pretty toxic. You are better off drinking non-colored sodas. In fact, the only real "decent" soda is Sierra Mist Natural. It has less calories (sugar) than regular soda, but sugar is sugar nonetheless.
Aspartame will fuck you up long term. It has been linked to a lot of health problems, including reduced serotonin production. I used to drink about 3-5 Diet Cokes PER DAY, and when I stopped, holy shit, major headaches. They eventually went away, and now when I drink one (or anything with aspartame in it) I feel like complete shit.
Sugar will fuck you up long term. It has been linked to a lot of health problems, including diabetes. I used to drink about 3-5 Cokes PER DAY, and when I stopped, holy shit, I lost 10 pounds and felt great.
I usually drink iced water with a splash of 100% apple juice in it. It's addictive. Like jenkem.
This reminds me of my past work at mcdonalds. I found it funny when the huge people came in and ordered 2000 calories in one sitting and then got a large diet coke. Like that would make a difference. But diet is not only the worse choice for heath but it is also disgusting. FUCK diet.
Its not the caffeine that is the issue. Its the change in ingredients to ones that our body doesnt recognize as easily. There are other components then that but for the most part its simple to know that diet is worse if your looking at it for a health reason. Although if you just like the taste better then power to ya.
I drink diet dr pepper and i don't like diet coke. I prefer regular coke and the only high fructose corn syrup i agree with and am willing to ingest is in my soda pop. HFCS is in everything and doesnt need to be it's just cheaper and a filler.
I drink diet dr pepper and i don't like diet coke. I prefer regular coke and the only high fructose corn syrup i agree with and am willing to ingest is in my soda pop. HFCS is in everything and doesnt need to be it's just cheaper and a filler.
They save about $0.01/can by using high fructose corn syrup. HFCS can't really be processed by the brain for mental alertness, so it's a useless sugar. But, since all sugars screw you up long term, I guess it doesn't matter.
You should be more worried about sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate in diet sodas.
Chalupa with the facts. But so true. It sucks that so many people have such a misconception of diet drinks and thinks that they can eat and drink the way they do as long as it's low fat and diet. When in fact you are usually worse off with the diets and stuff of that sort.
Coke, but the only cokes I'll drink are the ones in glass bottles, and with real sugar rather than HFCS.
There's a notable difference in taste, as the cane sugar is tastier than corn syrup, and due to the glass container being totally inert, as opposed to metal with plastic lining.
Coke, but the only cokes I'll drink are the ones in glass bottles, and with real sugar rather than HFCS.
There's a notable difference in taste, as the cane sugar is tastier than corn syrup, and due to the glass container being totally inert, as opposed to metal with plastic lining.
Coke, but the only cokes I'll drink are the ones in glass bottles, and with real sugar rather than HFCS.
There's a notable difference in taste, as the cane sugar is tastier than corn syrup, and due to the glass container being totally inert, as opposed to metal with plastic lining.
i prefer water to anything diet.
Sugar will fuck you up long term. It has been linked to a lot of health problems, including diabetes. I used to drink about 3-5 Cokes PER DAY, and when I stopped, holy shit, I lost 10 pounds and felt great.
I usually drink iced water with a splash of 100% apple juice in it. It's addictive. Like jenkem.
"I'll have a coke."
"Is Pepsi ok, sir?"
"Is Monopoly money ok, bitch?"
You disgust me.
Edit: I'll never drink a diet soda.
Oh yeah and no i hate pepsi i cant drink the stuff.
They save about $0.01/can by using high fructose corn syrup. HFCS can't really be processed by the brain for mental alertness, so it's a useless sugar. But, since all sugars screw you up long term, I guess it doesn't matter.
You should be more worried about sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate in diet sodas.
TL/DR: Soda kills.
This, Coke Zero when it is really cold is tasty, but when it's not cold enough it is pretty much as gross as most diet pop.
"warm fresca and a hangover, the pain never stops"
and it is summer, for cryin out loud....its time the damn stores realized we need insulated cups. those who don't, lose my business.
Yu dissgruss mi :mad:
Pinchers of power! PINCHERS OF POWER!!!
There's a notable difference in taste, as the cane sugar is tastier than corn syrup, and due to the glass container being totally inert, as opposed to metal with plastic lining.
This. This is like words right out of my mouth.