I had an ex like that but she was so fucking psycho. After an argument (more like attack defend) She'd practically rape me on the spot where I was standing. None of this "I'm sooo sorry. I promise to take you to watch the sunrise in Hawaii as soon as your eye opens up'" type shit. It was like "I've had enough. Shut up & lets FUCK!"
She use to get so turned on by these sessions she'd go off like a MF firehose. If we made it to the bed. Laying on it afterwards was like laying on a waterbed that just had it's bladder attacked with an axe.
I remember being so pissed at her for one of her tantrum throws, when she did try to fuck me I told her to fuck off. So she said "FUCKYOU" sat in front of the computer and straight to a porn streamer. She started fapping like a MF beast. There were fingers, almost a complete hand.... Hell! even the gawddamn mouse was a victim of assault. She was making sounds and saying shit that would of scared the demon out of that little bitch on the 'Exorcist' movie. I'd be a homo if said it didn't turn me on. Because it was fucking HAWT! ya know? So I watched and fapped along. Unfortunately she started waterblasting the computer & was to far gone to give a shit. I was like "OH FUCK!!! So I quickly spun the chair around, which was stupid because now she was spraying the multipoint. I had made the mistake a few weeks earlier of putting in a heavier fuse in the power box because of a previous blown fuse. :facepalm:
Sure some of you may think it was lolz but the reality is It was my computer that I'd bought 3 days prior. So there started another argument.
I wouldn't blame you for thinking "Fuck off mang...You are so full of shit" but it's pretty much the truth. After all! This is a story all about my life got flipped turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just to sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called belair:(:(:(
hella Funny!
good job
Im in now. But my previous was based on this. We fought so fucking much
just to have that great angry/lovey make up sex. It was delicious!
I miss those days
She use to get so turned on by these sessions she'd go off like a MF firehose. If we made it to the bed. Laying on it afterwards was like laying on a waterbed that just had it's bladder attacked with an axe.
I remember being so pissed at her for one of her tantrum throws, when she did try to fuck me I told her to fuck off. So she said "FUCKYOU" sat in front of the computer and straight to a porn streamer. She started fapping like a MF beast. There were fingers, almost a complete hand.... Hell! even the gawddamn mouse was a victim of assault. She was making sounds and saying shit that would of scared the demon out of that little bitch on the 'Exorcist' movie. I'd be a homo if said it didn't turn me on. Because it was fucking HAWT! ya know? So I watched and fapped along. Unfortunately she started waterblasting the computer & was to far gone to give a shit. I was like "OH FUCK!!! So I quickly spun the chair around, which was stupid because now she was spraying the multipoint. I had made the mistake a few weeks earlier of putting in a heavier fuse in the power box because of a previous blown fuse. :facepalm:
Sure some of you may think it was lolz but the reality is It was my computer that I'd bought 3 days prior. So there started another argument.
I wouldn't blame you for thinking "Fuck off mang...You are so full of shit" but it's pretty much the truth. After all! This is a story all about my life got flipped turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just to sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called belair:(:(:(