So about 2 months ago I went to the ER(just because it was saturday). And ever since they've been sending me bills about every 3 weeks, price hasn't changed or anything. Basically though they didn't handle my insurance correctly so they want to charge me like $850. I gave them all my accurate information and everything. Haven't contacted them since though and I think I will just not pay. What's the worst they could do to me?
Also they called my phone once, but i didn't answer or return it. Should also say I can totally afford it I just don't want to.
How ironic it would be if they sold the debt to a debt collection agency who then sold it on to a semi legit debt collector who then hurt you really bad and then you were taken to that hospital only to be told:
They can do that shit? I owe RCN a $1k ETF. Can they really screw me over? Fuck man.