So I'm sitting here at home, minding my own business watching season 2 of Breaking Bad, when I hear a fucking loud as noise. I go outside, and there's a helicopter above my house, probably only 50m up. I trip shit for no real reason, thinking about some sort of SHTF situation (been a lot of weird helicopters and shit going around lately.) Anyway, I hear sirens and immediately think 'fire.' I grab my BOB and head out, looking for more signs. I get to the front of my complex* and realise they're not letting anyone in. I find this weird, so I go back home wondering what to do. A fire engine then drives down the main street of the complex. I catch up to it and follow it down, only to see a fucking house on fire. This shit isn't smoldering, it's fucking like a 50ft bonfire; a pyromaniac's wet dream. I watch it for a while, chat to a few guys, and give one of my mates a call. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera, so I didn't get any pics. I'd go get some now, but I'm sitting at home and it's hot outside. The fire is gone anyway, there's just a few trucks around chilling out. I'll grab some pics tomorrow. I live in a pretty shit suburb, so the house won't be rebuild anytime soon.
tl;dr a house burnt down, pics later
* A complex is basically a group of normal houses set up in an estate-like community. Mine is gated, and can only be entered by using a pass code, given to you when you move in.
Maybe a meth lab blew up in the house ?!
At first I thought they were just being stupid, and wasting time, but they genuinely thought there was danger. :facepalm:
Will post pics today!
Was gonna try to op it last night, but there's still cops and red tape fucking everywhere. I dunno if anyone was hurt, but I don't think they were.
Also in response to jehsiboi, my mate on the College (High school to you Yanks) bus, sprayed deodrant on his crotch/trousers for a good 5 seconds, then lit it up.
Little did he realise the liquid and fumes had seeped down his ginger arse crack.
That smell will never leave me.
Same here.