I've been with the girl for almost two years and the entire time she has refused flat-out to watch the movies. She's always been the Sex & The City type of girl, Juicy Couture jewelry and all of that jazz. Earlier this week, we watched Episode IV. She said "it was really cool," and recently she asked me to watch Empire. We did, and now she loves them. I don't have Jedi on DVD, so I'm going to have to find it some other way (I'm holding off as much as I can on the BluRays because of the changes.) I'm just still ecstatic that she likes them. I mean I'm not expecting her to dress in full Leia Slave outfit in a role play session, but it's still pretty cool. I suspect she gave in because I watched Sixteen Candles with her and rather enjoyed it, and admitted to it.
Has anyone else had any conversion stories like this with Star Wars or other nerdy/niche mediums?
They have a universal appeal, in my opinion.
Ask your girlfriend if you can watch New Yankee Workshop together.
I've got to say, they didn't live up to the hype I had generated in my mind but they were OK.
I've managed to get someone to appreciate The Godfather movies, after a lifetime of calling them "boring".