I'd like to point out that this is not me trying to "harm the community". I've invested countless hours into this place. Why would I want to fuck that up?
I'll be your friend Gary Oak. I remember when I first joined this site as Professor Oak and then you came along and I was like "who's this faggot trying to run up on my pokemon themed name?" and then I changed it to Masturbatron.
I'll be your friend Gary Oak. I remember when I first joined this site as Professor Oak and then you came along and I was like "who's this faggot trying to run up on my pokemon themed name?" and then I changed it to Masturbatron.
I'll be your friend Gary Oak. I remember when I first joined this site as Professor Oak and then you came along and I was like "who's this faggot trying to run up on my pokemon themed name?" and then I changed it to Masturbatron.
Ah, the memories.
I didn't know that either.
Now to find out who Prof. Elm was.. :mad:
I do enjoy your posting, but don't you think it's a little much? Could you explain to me why buddha was booted? He was just as loyal as anybody else, yet he got banned just because he stuck up for a member he thought was unfairly banned. Yet somehow he was trying to "harm the community".
I suggest you step back a little Gary and try not to act on your impulse.
You should come here for your own reasons. We shouldn't have to convince you to stay.
It's not as if you are required to post here every single day for 9 hours. if you're frustrated with stuff here, go for a few days and come back. Things mend themselves.
I'm going to tell you why i post here: I enjoy talking to the people here and i like discussing ideas and popular culture with people who won't squeal at my ideas on eugenics.
I do enjoy your posting, but don't you think it's a little much? Could you explain to me why buddha was booted? He was just as loyal as anybody else, yet he got banned just because he stuck up for a member he thought was unfairly banned. Yet somehow he was trying to "harm the community".
Shut the fuck and and go do my research you little faggot.
Jk, jk. I'm done now.
To be serious though, it seems like TDR is on a bit of a rampage. I think he wants full authority of the site, for totse.info to be his. Have you guys seen all of this stupid shit he's put in? Teamspeak, vBookie, what's next? Are we going to be able to illegally download mp3's soon on totse.info?
I was assinged a job to do by the admin of this site. My actions are within the requirements and guidelines of that assignment. I clear all of my actions through Dfg in TeamSpeak before implementing them. This is not a personal crusade on my part. It is me just doing a job that was given to me.
Dfg is a really nice guy with a long fuse. But the thing is this. The last guy you ever want to piss off is the nice guy. When the nice guy gets pissed it makes the grouchy guys temper look like a sunny spring day. He asked me to step up and deal with the retards who are working behind the scenes so he does not lose his temper with them. He fears that should he lose his temper he will take actions which everyone, including himself might not be so happy with.
This is nothing personal on my part I am just doing a job that needs to be done. What none of you see is the PM's we get from users complaining about the trolls shitting on the board so they hve to wade through 25 piles of crap to find one post worth reading.
Try to think of a forum board as a bar for a minute. If you owned a bar and you wanted upscale customers with disposable income would you allow bikers and crack whores to sit at the bar? No, you would tailor your rules and pricing to drive them out. Why? Well I should not have ot answer that but since there are some here who play the obtuse card here it is.
If you lie down with dogs you get fleas. So if you let the scum in your bar it will keep the good customers out and attract more scum. If you run the scum out, fix the place up, raise the prices a bit, and advertise in GQ instead of Eazy Rider and Crack Quarterly with some time and hard work you will turn your bar around.
Now some people may be looking for a dive bar and that is fine. The internet is full of them (4chan). But this place is not going to be that dive bar nor is it going to stand by and suffer the attempts by some of the scum that has been 86'd to drag this place down. The owner hired new bartender with no neck and gave him a list of people to stop at the door. Those who want to take up the cause of those on the list are going to find themselves on that list.
All we are asking is that the rules be respected and that users don't go out of their way to grief the staff or even each other for that matter. Freedom of speech does not mean you can say what you want where you want. Not here or IRL. It means you are able to discuss any topic you want, in an intelligent fashion, but at the appropriate table to go back to the bar analogy.
If you walked into a bar and started shit that detracted from the enjoyment of the rest of the customers you would be shown to the door by the big guy with no neck.
Gary whether you want to stay or not is your decision. Things have gotten shaken up a bit recently as things have to get bad before they get better. I can assure you wholeheartedly that things will definitely get much better. Right now dfg is weeding out the people whom he recognizes as a threat. This included Buddha. The reasoning behind Buddha being banned is multifaceted. There are many bad decisions he made and some fucked up stuff he did and said intentionally. Dfg had his reasons. I can vouch that TDR is merely following orders. Those orders are being given to him directly from dfg and I know this because they communicate in teamspeak. I frequent teamspeak when I have the chance. This is not because I feel obligated to but because I want to and enjoy doing so. If you remember I was one of the members agreeing that TS3 should not be mandatory when we first began using it. No member should feel obligated to be there but if you want to understand some of the goings on in the background of .info you should check in from time to time. I won't tell you why you should stick around because I agree with slartibartfast that I shouldn't have to. I'm sticking around because I recognize what the site is making itself into. While the Outlook has been grim I am not a fair weather friend to .info. I will see through it till the end or my own end. I believe in the cause and want to support it as much as I can within my limited means. If you don't believe ij the cause you shouldn't be a staff member. If you don't know what the cause is you should open your eyes and ears because dfg has stated his intentions time and again. I'be already been hitched at once today for trying to hop someone understand it so instead I'll just suggest that you go back and read what he has stated or even better talk with him personally through pm or Skype or TS3. Whatever your preference. Don't fly off the handle until you have all the information.
Can a user like Remade or BK or TRX answer this question for me, because they're a big part of why I still come here.
Personally I have no malice against the majority of users here. However a small minority which is now growing has decided to take it upon themselves to harm this place. &T is shifting direction and these purges were needed in order to move on.
However despite that, you are one of the Users I get on with. I see no reason for you to leave unless you want to. Some things have happened over the year this site has been here that I didn't initially agree with, but I stuck it out. I hope you can, too. It would be a shame to see you go as well.
Like MissingMuse said, don't fly off the handle just yet.
I do hope you stick around, because to me &T is a family, and you are one of those I think of in a positive light.
Dude, you're not getting removed. The people who got kicked made their decision. They just forced my hand and raped my trust that's all. You're a good user and the dark times are behind us.
In order to gain new blood some blood will have to be shed. You can't attract intelligent interesting people to a sloberfes of idiots. So we are cleaning out the deadwood to make room for new trees. Bear with us and you will see, in a few months, the fruit of our current efforts start to blossom.
Sabina has a thousand charms
To captivate my heart;
Her lovely eyes are Cupid's arms,
And every look a dart:
But when beauteous idiot speaks,
She cures me of my pain;
Her tounge the servile fetters breaks
And frees her slave again.
Ah, the memories.
I never knew that was you!
Unlike you, you worthless grandson piece of shit.
Now to find out who Prof. Elm was.. :mad:
Elm kept obsessing over some rare Machamp for sometime. Almost certain that Machamp is pounding that frail little ass really hard now.
I do enjoy your posting, but don't you think it's a little much? Could you explain to me why buddha was booted? He was just as loyal as anybody else, yet he got banned just because he stuck up for a member he thought was unfairly banned. Yet somehow he was trying to "harm the community".
I suggest you step back a little Gary and try not to act on your impulse.
You should come here for your own reasons. We shouldn't have to convince you to stay.
It's not as if you are required to post here every single day for 9 hours. if you're frustrated with stuff here, go for a few days and come back. Things mend themselves.
I'm going to tell you why i post here: I enjoy talking to the people here and i like discussing ideas and popular culture with people who won't squeal at my ideas on eugenics.
Shut the fuck and and go do my research you little faggot.
Jk, jk. I'm done now.
To be serious though, it seems like TDR is on a bit of a rampage. I think he wants full authority of the site, for totse.info to be his. Have you guys seen all of this stupid shit he's put in? Teamspeak, vBookie, what's next? Are we going to be able to illegally download mp3's soon on totse.info?
Dfg is a really nice guy with a long fuse. But the thing is this. The last guy you ever want to piss off is the nice guy. When the nice guy gets pissed it makes the grouchy guys temper look like a sunny spring day. He asked me to step up and deal with the retards who are working behind the scenes so he does not lose his temper with them. He fears that should he lose his temper he will take actions which everyone, including himself might not be so happy with.
This is nothing personal on my part I am just doing a job that needs to be done. What none of you see is the PM's we get from users complaining about the trolls shitting on the board so they hve to wade through 25 piles of crap to find one post worth reading.
Try to think of a forum board as a bar for a minute. If you owned a bar and you wanted upscale customers with disposable income would you allow bikers and crack whores to sit at the bar? No, you would tailor your rules and pricing to drive them out. Why? Well I should not have ot answer that but since there are some here who play the obtuse card here it is.
If you lie down with dogs you get fleas. So if you let the scum in your bar it will keep the good customers out and attract more scum. If you run the scum out, fix the place up, raise the prices a bit, and advertise in GQ instead of Eazy Rider and Crack Quarterly with some time and hard work you will turn your bar around.
Now some people may be looking for a dive bar and that is fine. The internet is full of them (4chan). But this place is not going to be that dive bar nor is it going to stand by and suffer the attempts by some of the scum that has been 86'd to drag this place down. The owner hired new bartender with no neck and gave him a list of people to stop at the door. Those who want to take up the cause of those on the list are going to find themselves on that list.
All we are asking is that the rules be respected and that users don't go out of their way to grief the staff or even each other for that matter. Freedom of speech does not mean you can say what you want where you want. Not here or IRL. It means you are able to discuss any topic you want, in an intelligent fashion, but at the appropriate table to go back to the bar analogy.
If you walked into a bar and started shit that detracted from the enjoyment of the rest of the customers you would be shown to the door by the big guy with no neck.
Say hi to the big guy with no neck.
Personally I have no malice against the majority of users here. However a small minority which is now growing has decided to take it upon themselves to harm this place. &T is shifting direction and these purges were needed in order to move on.
However despite that, you are one of the Users I get on with. I see no reason for you to leave unless you want to. Some things have happened over the year this site has been here that I didn't initially agree with, but I stuck it out. I hope you can, too. It would be a shame to see you go as well.
Like MissingMuse said, don't fly off the handle just yet.
I do hope you stick around, because to me &T is a family, and you are one of those I think of in a positive light.
Totse is not the place for poet warrior kings.
Sabina has a thousand charms
To captivate my heart;
Her lovely eyes are Cupid's arms,
And every look a dart:
But when beauteous idiot speaks,
She cures me of my pain;
Her tounge the servile fetters breaks
And frees her slave again.