Sorry, didn't add more to it, basically I downloaded this song and I was like WTF, it starts with ASS and then goes down hill and it's fucking black ass. Not cool.
Aww, little jigaboo feels the need to make out he's popular. I'm more built than him, and have better sense in Ethno-centric music that is the backing in his song.
Reminds me of this.
Especially with the Nelly reference
OH FUCK WHY HAVE THEY GOT THE UNION JACK IN IT? I'd rather a load of angry relatives of Dfg burn the flag than have it in this piece of shit "video".
Aww, little jigaboo feels the need to make out he's popular. I'm more built than him, and have better sense in Ethno-centric music that is the backing in his song.
Reminds me of this.
Especially with the Nelly reference
OH FUCK WHY HAVE THEY GOT THE UNION JACK IN IT? I'd rather a load of angry relatives of Dfg burn the flag than have it in this piece of shit "video".
Wow, thanks for that, watching it. It's fucking TRUE!
I don't know why.. but I've watched this video 3 times now.. I don't understand.. It's like, I'm attracted to watching retards behave retardedly.. smh.. :facepalm:
BTW the music is crap.
The song is crap.
Reminds me of this.
Especially with the Nelly reference
OH FUCK WHY HAVE THEY GOT THE UNION JACK IN IT? I'd rather a load of angry relatives of Dfg burn the flag than have it in this piece of shit "video".
Wow, thanks for that, watching it. It's fucking TRUE!