Removing CMP get as close as you can to 100% enso’s clean story
So why am I writing this?
Because According to the lierature, one can use KMnO4 aka Potassium Permanganate to hydroxylate the double bonds of 1-(1'-Cyclohexadienyl)-2-methyl-aminopropane (CMP) in a basic (pH12) solution allowing one to utilize organic/aqueous phase extraction and separation from Methamphetamine HCL.
So to explain that in a simple manner most could understand.
according to studies a bee could use potassium permanganate to remove cmp which is a very common impurity from there product.
● 2 Beakers
● 5 grams of Potassium Permanganate (easy to get)
● Distilled water
● Non polar solvent
● 100% NaOH (lye or sodium hydroxide)
● pH strips
● Eye dropper
● Visine bottle filled with muriatic acid
● Stove top safe pan
For the purposes of this write up, we will be using 2.4 grams Methamphetamine HCL.
1. Make a solution of 2% KMnO4 by dissolving 0.5g KMnO4 in 25 ml dH20.
2. Place 2.4g Unpurified methamphetamine hcl into a beaker then add 3 ml dH20.
3. Add NaOH to test tube until pH 12.
4. Add 20 ml of your 2% KMnO4 solution and agitate with vortex.
5. Add 3 ml of your non polar solvent, shake, and draw up organic layer.
6. Place solvent in "beaker 2" and add 3 ml dH20.
7. pH dropwise to pH 7.6.
8. Draw off aqeous layer (bottom) and place in the pan, evaporate on stovetop to yield Methamphetamine HCL having left behind dihydroxylated and tetrahydroxylated cmps in beaker 1.
Hint: 2x Recrystallization of this final product in dH20 will yield 96-99% pure Methamphetamine HCL.
Hint: You can gas at step 4 instead of panning.
1. Journal of the Clandestine Laboratory Investigating Chemists Association 2008;18
(1) :18-22
2. Volumes calculated from Merck Index (1g:2mL H20)
That’s all folks
Up next: Methcathinone. The ghetto meth. Enso’s story of the ghetto cook.
the next move will be Mdma synthesis not by argox or rhodium but by Enso?
get the fuck out FRAUD
So this guy keeps thinking why this procedure is always begun after the hcl salt is aquired?
In his veiw, this is a chapter that ought to be right after a rxn. I.e
In his story. The post rxn solvent is washed with dh20 and the potperm process should be executed prior to any salting.
It seems more logical. Unless there is sth he is missing he wants to oxidize the Cmp as soon as he has an aqueous + organic mixture. Perhaps during the first water wash if his rxn fluid is basically enough.
Roughly speaking
A) finish rxn , open RV add extra lye. Close shake a bit. ( Ensuring a highly basic rxn fluid is retrieved)
C) filter rxn fluid til Crystal clear.
D) Water wash to rid of sulfur impurties. add kmno4 to rid of CMP
E) salt as you would
Thanks in advance.
Also after further review, Wurfgurf's charges against Enso seem to hold weight and be 100% factual. Enso's "mini red phospho and iodine" write-up he presents as his own discovery, is in fact, from something written in the early 2000s by someone else .
The only thing that seemed incongruous to me, was the solution doesn't seem to look very "rusty" at first when permanganate is dropped in, it just goes back to clear as if no purple shit was being drilled in, then boom it was pink for good.
Enso states above, that CMP will be oxidized by pot perm only in a basic solution with a pH above 12, but Wurfgurf's method says to add the pot perm BEFORE the naoh is added. One of these is false, or both are, and it doesn't matter when pot perm is added.