I had a thought after bowling last night that going to the peeler bar was a mistake . I was right
got home at 5 am and in bed by six
woke up an hour ago at 2 pm
cant type worth shit , heads pounding and am chugging water like no tomorrow
my cousins want to go out tonight :mad:
Hell no I ain't doing fuck all tonight
the workld still looks a little fuzzy about now but at least I havent barfed yet
Drinking is very very bad
In a little while it will be better
next time: what I have found, person-to-person, is that if you drink a glass of water with an aspirin before you go to bed, you'll be okay in the morning
even my screen is causing me pain
I feel ya man. I was hungover like that the other day. Can't remember the last time I was actually hungover, but it fucking sucked.
The wife didn't help any
kept bugging me for sex and then made lasgna for dinner
all though the farts are god awful