Ask them for their credit/debt cards and empty them shits. If their doing checks, go to their bank and just get cash for it. From what I'm told and my experiences, just go to their bank and ask for cash and they will not ask for ID at all. Maybe get multiple checks for it and every day just deposit each new check.
This idea is really just........bad. Cmon Shady, I've seen your threads on Zoklet, this sounds more like a troll thread than something you would actually suggest.
poison is a viable option, but that could attract unwanted attention. suffocation is good though. just hold the pillow over their face, they won't struggle that much.
This is by far the worst idea, in the bad ideas section.
First of all, Your "2nd identity" would get traced back to you in a milli-fucking-second, If this were remotely 'workable' you would have to find some sort of way to get your way into their will or testament I would almost promise you that the conversation would not go smoothly when you asked to get paid to 'off' them..
It's Bad Ideas as in bad/evil not bad/crappy.
First of all, Your "2nd identity" would get traced back to you in a milli-fucking-second, If this were remotely 'workable' you would have to find some sort of way to get your way into their will or testament I would almost promise you that the conversation would not go smoothly when you asked to get paid to 'off' them..
OP is a cold sonabitch.
Agreed big time.