I just started noticing that I'm losing interest in all the things I used to love doing. It's kind of depressing because I'm not gaining new favorite activities out of the deal, just depressingly deep boredom.. Some of the things I used to like doing include:
- Riding bike
- playing Zelda on the SNES
- playing SNES in general
- drinking
- smoking pot
- walking places
- the internet
But now all of those things make me want to die... Thoughts?
You have depression!
But seriously, maybe you're just getting bored and tired of doing those things. Even the things you love have their limits. Try to find something new to do. You might say, "WTF is there to do?" Just look, you never know until you look.
I'm married....
In that case, bake laxative brownies for your mother in law.
Just up the ante. Here is a new list of things you should be progressing to right now:
- Riding motorbike or jet ski
- playing Zelda on the Wii
- playing Wii in general
- eating
- smoking meth
- running places
- the interwebz
Hope it helps :thumbsup:I DO enjoy my moped... It's just so damn expensive to ride
I played and beat zelda on the wii already
The wii sort of bored me now
I can't afford to eat
Just got off meth not too long ago
I dislike walking, so why would running help?
First DL CP NAO!
Watch CP
Masturbate to...
Adult lesbian porn(didnt see that coming)
And finally night ops mang. Do some night ops. With friends.
I still keep coming back here though
Hell, I don't even have the money to leave money behind. I guess I could always walk in one direction and never stop, but I can't afford a compass so I wouldn't know what direction that was.
I need to get a ghetto ass house and start dealing heroin/meth. Turn that place into a drug den. I'd be happy doing that.
Shit sucks OP. Try new things. That's what I'd do if new things didn't cost so much.
This. You can't hate life as much when you're not thinking about it, lulz. Plus, you'll have money. Jobs suck too if you're too idle though.
EDIT: Wait a minute ... you're married but you don't have a job? Lolwut?
It works pretty well for me.
Maybe you have matured and need to find something more suitable for what you like now. Go try new things with friends. Try something new everyday for a couple weeks and hopefully you will find something you like.
I don't have enough money to do anything new