In that "master of your domain" thread, people are posting pics to get people to fap. But the pics are stuff like this...
You know, penetration and stuff. Am i the only one who finds that gross? And a turn off? Penetration, opening up of holes, etc. Yuck.
Women dont turn me on anyway (no homo) but even when they did, I didn't find it that a turn on.
wait. Serious? You don't get it because you're gay, simple as that. If you were straight, it would turn you on..
Its true I saw it on mythbusters.
Blunder = asexual? Assburgers?
You know I you man, but really that pic was pretty hawt.
No offense man, but last time I checked, that was pretty much the definition of being gay.
There are other homosexual men out there you know this right? You are not the only one don't be afraid.
Fucking this. Lol, fucking.
One thing I found a while ago is that with unknown women, scantily clad is often much more arousing than her being all spread wide open.
Maybe if they were sharing a double dildo instead.
I didn't jerk it to anything. It just felt good; I don't have to think of anything.
That's a little weird lol.
Blunderful is an advanced chatbot from the future! He can process logical human thoughts, but cannot understand human emotions and needs.
That's retarded and improbable.
Dude something must be able to turn you on or else you couldve lasted more than a day in that contest. Seriously bro if its not the vag its gotta be the cock.