Im sure most of you have heard about that mosque at ground zero. In case you havent heres the link.
What are your thoughts on it. The way I see it is how can anyone really say they cant build it It may be in bad taste but I think the first amendment should be followed and allow it to be built. No matter how much people dont like it this isnt mob rule and freedom of speech and religion must be protected.
It's already happened, though Rolf likes America, for Rolf is no pinko communist.
Not allowing them to build the mosque (Which isn't just a mosque, it's basically a big YMCA with Muslim shit on the walls) will only serve to punish the entire Muslim community for the actions of extremists, and will only further alienate Muslim-Americans. The controversy that surrounds this is manufactured by the media, attempting to make a political issue out of something that doesn't really matter.
Agreed I don't see how these people plan to stop this. Theres absolutely zero legal basis to say they can't build this. You cant oppress an entire religion over a few extremists. Yes 9/11 was horrible but damn is New York sacred now in there opinion:facepalm: Its a fucking cultural center. Retarded shit to be pissed about imo. I blame faux news for this. Theres legit shit going on in this country to be pissed about but this isn't one of them.
Mostly, it is self-serving attention whores like Sarah Failin' who is making a big deal out of it.
She's only doing that because there are millions of borderline retards who will eat it up.
Oh brandon, yes USA is not a Muslim country but neither is it a Christian or Jewish or Buddhist country. The reason our forefathers came here and fought so hard to make this our own nation was so that they and we could practice whatever religion they or we want. It is unconstitutional to say that someone shouldn't practice Islam here. We are NOT a non-Muslim society. America is the smelting pot of all cultures. We're not for or against any religion.
IMO they should be allowed to build the mosque there whether or not the plans had already been set in place before 9/11. It would do our country some good to have a symbol to remind us that Muslims aren't bad people. This goes for every religion under the sun: there are and always will be extremists.
Likewise, I know of other muslim communities, while not wahhabi, they do not integrate at all, but still deal with people like me on a like for like basis.
Couple of weeks ago, I was working next door to a mosque. Come Friday lunch time, the call to prayer came. It was fucking beutiful , the song of it and they way it was. I almost went myself, and I am a commited Prod.
Let them be there. The USA is about freedom. They do not do it to rub peoples noses in what happened. They do it to show those that did what they did, that they are wrong.
Be tollerent to all. If the Sikhs dont mind me going into the Gurdwara as long as I cover my hair and then they feed me, why be intolerent to religion? The food is much better than I pay good money for, the people are accepting and kind and they are not pissed off I just come for lunch. Now that is throwing judgement to one side.
like i said practis wutever u want but i shouldnt hafta c it in the public. keep ur religion 2 urself is all im saying
So I geuss destroying all religious buildings and symbols of every kind is the answer?:facepalm:
Now my personal opinion of it is pretty much while I believe it's being done in poor taste, it's something that shouldn't be stopped. The reasoning behind this is quite simple. I would hate to see the road that this will pave if the government did stop the building of the mosque. One of the things that the United States was founded upon was the idea of religious freedom. If the government decided to stop the building of the mosque, it would be a direct attack on that founding principle.
This is the type of shit Gangs of New York was about.
Also, Allah isn't mentioned in our Constitution
Ignorant or not, it's shit like this that leads to terrorism. Multiculturalism always leads to conflict, always. Calling it ignorant is stating the obvious, and does nothing to stop the violence. I believe Denmark has the right idea... ...sounds familiar.
say ... if pentagon was blown by some communists terrorists back in mc carty era and taking with it some 30000 lives .... and then peopel suggests building some workers party's HQ ovetr there ...
what;d oyu think ????
Too bad Allah is just the arabic word for the same god you ignorant fuck:facepalm: And yea people do have a right to protest but there protest has no legal basis.
no its not you piece of ignorant fuck.
how is that even logically reconcilable ????
if people have right to protests .... that means that the fucking law, ie .... the legal basis had allowed them to do sooo.
cock duckers.
faggot Ive read most of the Bible and alot of qu'ran. Notice they both reference the same story's and the same prophets with the exception of Muhammad. It's the same God. I guarantee you I know more about religion than you. Trust me there the same. Also it is legally reconcilable. I have the right to protest that everyone be forced to follow a flying spaghetti monster but it doesn't mean my opinion Im right legally. We have Muslims on this site I guarantee you they'd tell you im right about The qu'ran and the bible referencing the same deity.
[2] being right isnt the same as having the rights to protest what u think/believe is right. everybody have the right and legal basis to protesr what they believe is right, not just people with the right ideas. u dont have to be legally right to have the right to protest what u think is right.
[3] i'd like to c if u can find moslems who agreed with you.
[4] suck a cock.
I DIDNT SAY THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO PROTEST LEGALLY. I Said it's pointless because the law says there positions wrong also are Jews and Christians following different gods also fuckstick. Ever heard the term abrahamic religions? Because Judaism Christianity and Islam all derive from the prophet Abraham. The 3 just ended up branching off. I believe dfg who's pakistani and L33tz on this site are muslim and I guarantee they'd say im right.
Read that same deity different interpretations.
has no legal basis = unlawful in the eyes of the law.
[1] fly to a very middle eastern, verie anti western country,
[2] wear a t-shirt from t-shirt hell that say "God sucks" or "fuck God" but instead of having the word "God", use the alternative ....
[3] Once you get their attention, tell them your referring to Christian or Jewish version of Allah.
[4] see if they believe and agree with you, and leave you alone in peace ....or
[5] You kno ... in a way, in my interpretation, both racists and anti-racists are both racists since both their beliefs centered on the same thing .... RACE (like how both God fearing people and atheists are) . One believe there exists difference between races, while other denied it. One believe that race exists while other believe it doesnt.
But would you ... and more importantly, would a majority of anti-racists accept being call a racist ???
Then why does Islam talk about "people of the book":rolleyes: It says in the koran itself they all follow the same god. Of course they'd probably kill me because the shirt would be referring to there god whose also the Jew and Christian god. You just proved my point with that reply. go ahead ask a Muslim on here if they say im wrong on this Ill admit im retarded and dont know what im talking about. Read a bible or a koran before you espouse this ignorant retardation.
To what aim:facepalm: ignorance isn't illegal, thanks for pointing that out, "Slappy".
My Allah ! your so retarded that i cant help but feel sorry for u. Now let me repeat myself ... tis time veeliee slooooowlie to to meet your retarded brain speed :
Its not about what Islam really said bout itself in the Koran. NO. Its not about your interpretation of Islam. NO. Its not about what the grand, universal truth is/are. NO.
(HD ; hilighted for intellectually impaired readers)
[1] Moslems round here are mostlikely to be moderate, less conservative, and more pro-western in mind, ie; their the MINORITY.
[2] There ....
[3] and then ...
It happened elsewhere ... it can happen anywhere.
It's about not provoking the masses, dipshit. Aren't they pissed off at us in the first place for occupying THEIR land? Right or wrong, whatever your objective is, pissing off millions of people in the process is DEFINITELY a bad idea.
I wasn't pointing out the legality of your condition, I was referring to the strength in numbers of dumbfucks like you.
No this isn't my interpretation its what there religion and holy book says. this really isnt hard to comprehend.
[1] lol my God. You either barely had any pubic hairs or your just *THAT* retarded.
[2] While he .... has a verriee different interpretation of his own ....
So either your trolling or you phail ... due to your immense reatrdation, at comprehension.
Did your mom use Raid in an enclosed, non-ventilated room when she was pregnant with you ?? Or did she huff it intentionally ?
Who's a dipshit? Everybody knows that free speech is allowed in America you insufferable cunt. Past that, your post here doesn't even make sense? What are you even arguing against? The Mosque? Your ignorant bullshit isn't gonna fly man. You think 19 000 rednecks like you are gonna make a difference in allowing people a place of worship? Fuck no.
you do relize that the first ammendment was written to protect reiions and ideal's from reactionary's like you who want to take citizens rights away based on the actions of a small group of extremists. and to Methematician you still fail to see my point. yes the religions see god differently but all 3 go back to the deity that spoke to Abraham therefore Jews christians and muslims are arguing and talking about the same god.
Thtas it. I'm going to write a letter demanding that they put this :
on every can of Raid sold ... and possibly with graphic images of retards like yourself too.
:rolleyes: This is prove you have no real response and are just talking out your ass.
lol, ASSUMING that any of these religions are accurate in any way, we can deduce that:
Christian god
1. Acknowledges progeny
2. Has Holy Trinity power
3. Has wine with supper/makes wine at weddings
Muslim god
1. Has no progeny
2. Does not have Holy Trinity power
3. Bans alcohol (lol)
Clearly, we are dealing with two very different supernatural entities here. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they also have different names. Now, we could lend credibility to the opinions of people who lived 10,000 years ago who thought that these two very different gods were the same, but then again, they thought the earth was flat and brain surgery should be performed with a sharp rock.
If we're going to pretend that these religions are accurate in any way, then we must acknowledge that they worship different gods, or that single god has multiple personalities, or that single god has different standards for different people. Or .... people made this shit up as an excuse to form exclusive groups?
Either way you want it, my point still stands. The US Constitution references the (present day) Judeo-Christian god and it's laws, not the god of Islam (10,000 years ago), and certainly not the laws of Islam.
Google Palos Heights Mosque, dipshit. :hai:
Well ... since you won't read the links I posted or are too retarded to understand them .... what's the point of arguing further ? Or maybe your just trolling, I don't know.
All that I know is that I had sufficiently pointed out your retardation, that's all. Anyway, this isnt a me-vs-you thingy .... its about me making your retardation known and became announced to the 20 thousand pair of eyes out there reading this post .... who'd now seen, your retardation and the retardese language that came out your cock-ported mouth.
My job is done. ANd if you had anything real and solid to argue you'd already take excerpts from the links that I;d posted and argue just how wrong and illogical the moslem professor who wrote that. But you did not.
bcos you suck cocks. and cocks ... r what you suck.
Your still not understanding my point. if both religions claim to follow the SAME deity that spoke to Abraham then there merely different interpretations of the same deity. It's really a very simple concept. If you actually read the bible and Koran it's obvious what im saying is correct.
It's easy to get away with bullshit like that in a typical small town in Illinois, not so much in a big city like New York.
I understand your point, but those are some wildly different interpretations. If you look at the contradictions between both sets of laws, then you will understand my point. Oil, water..... you know.
The towns population is about 11,000, and like I said, it's easy to get away with bullshit like that in a small town, but in New York City it's much less likely for the rednecks to prevail.
Anyhow, this is a very silly argument. Will you repeat for me your reasoning in being against the construction of this Muslim community center?
Reasoning that takes into account the fact that there is already a mosque (Not a community center, just a plain mosque) just three blocks from ground zero?
When choosing between Islam and Christianity, I'm going with the one that isn't flying planes into our buildings and planning to blow up our power plants and airports.
Oh, well then, that changes absolutely nothing.
I don't practice either religions, but who started the Crusades?:p
Okay, but ground zero isn't a religiously significant site, it's the site of horrible crime. Whether or not people get pissed off, right and wrong don't change. It's stupid and baseless to be opposed to this because of the 9/11 attacks.
Nobody is telling anyone to choose between religions. Also, that is a sweeping, retarded generalization of more than a billion and a half people. What exactly is your argument here, that muslims in general are dangerous or that something like this doesn't belong near ground zero? Either way, you're blaming and fucking up relations with millions of Muslim-Americans because of the actions of a few extremists and that's fucking stupid.
It demonstrates the inconsistencies in your argument. Nobody gives a shit about the mosque (Which is only a mosque) three blocks away from ground zero, but everyone cares about the muslim community center (Which is basically a fucking YMCA with pools and gyms that anyone can use) because the news told them to.