I would viciously fuck Paris Hilton, for like 2 hours. Then punch that stupid cunt till she was just swollen in the face. I mean, continually hit in the face, she has no purpose so no foundations/lives would be impacted.
Please YouTube Justin bieber gets nailed. Fag took a waterbottle to the dome.
Holy fuck, I just watched the video, then came here and saw your post :eek:
She got it coming. Next time it won't be a water bottle. It'll be a fucking pickaxe. All that aside though, she is a pretty girl. I'd fuck her and then punch her.
oooh this. There are not many other celebrities I could think of that I would really want to just punch in the face along with lowering myself to fucking them.. but this bitch really needs a fist in the face and a cock in the ass
And I'd turn on "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" while I punched her in the face.
Please YouTube Justin bieber gets nailed. Fag took a waterbottle to the dome.
Yulia Volkova. I'd fuck her several times and punch her for making me sad by pretending to be a lesbian.
Holy fuck, I just watched the video, then came here and saw your post :eek:
She got it coming. Next time it won't be a water bottle. It'll be a fucking pickaxe. All that aside though, she is a pretty girl. I'd fuck her and then punch her.
oooh this. There are not many other celebrities I could think of that I would really want to just punch in the face along with lowering myself to fucking them.. but this bitch really needs a fist in the face and a cock in the ass
edit - addition!
Not sure which one is worse
Kicking Justin's ass would be fun but ain't no way I am gonna bang a guy
Doing miley cyrus and then beating her hmmmmmmmm
Would the shame actually be worth it
Let's see how he likes it :mad:
edit: no homo
lol win
cameron diaz
EDIT: she is an e-zoklet-celeb so don't try playing that card...
I'd do Megan Fox.
She's a bitch in RL.
Good one. That would be a rape-murder-rape
... she's still hot right?
Now just to choose wich one of them...
no sir.
Well, somebody needs to punch that ho. If I've gotta go there to punch her, I'll go there damn it.
EDIT: Looking up pics, she still seems pretty fine for an old bitch. MILF status retained for now. I'd fuck her and punch her.