I just posted in gs about a computer the wife up and bought
a grand down for that
On tuesday she backed out of a stall and hit another car
hmmmmmmm got nthe estimate yesterday 1200 bones or she could let the insurance take the hit but her insurance would then go up
by the way lol... this was with her precious lexus and I am not letting her ass live this one down
She then coughed out two grand to her fucking sister
I laughed until I realized the money came out of our joint account :mad::mad:
Oh she is paying it back allright
I am gonna make her put the money back
This has to have been the week from hell
Damn woman
2. make her work the streets
3 . pix or gtfo.
You need to keep most of your money OUT of the joint account.
Alternatively, don't let her handle finances and tell her to not drive like a fucking moron (hard for women to do, I know). Tell her if she withdraws $2k again without your permission you'll take away her chocolate or something. Women have no concept of finances. It's insane.
I am not worried about the financial situation
If I really wanted to mess with her I would drain her Titanium mastercard :thumbsup:
That would be ten grand in fast cash
I knew there might be a bit of smack her type comments but you guy's are hilarious