iPhone users are getting the most ass. Females have had an average of 12.3 sexual partners, and men have had 10. BlackBerry users come in second, with 8.8 bed buddies on average for women and 8.1 for guys. And females who have Androids have slept with an average of 6.1 people, while their male counterparts have six notches in their bedposts.
I rest my case.:mad:
So basically, while having an iphone might get you ass...Not having one and being with a person with one will only result in failure and more of :facepalm:
I bet that if you found the statistics, Iphone users are typically older and blackberry users are younger and so on and so forth.
I doubt it, blackberry is still the corporate standard (or has been until very recently).
I would explain it otherwise - stupider people, or people that are susceptible to marketing, have more sex.
These are also the people that buy an iPhone because "it's an iphone!", even if they were told that a different phone has more/better features.
True story.
No, it constantly cut out because you were shorting out the antenna because of poor design. Don't encourage Steve Jobs to be a douche and make excuses like that, even if you were being sarcastic. I'd never buy a iphone 4 in it's current state. Making calls is a pretty big function of a phone, but not to apple, I guess.
I have a 3gs. It works perfectly now that I disabled multitasking - aka the battery drain feature - from ios4.
I believe changing from a phone that doesn't make calls to one that does would be an upgrade. :thumbsup:
We are not worthy.
Epic win is sweet indeed.
That's not profit, you just saved that much. You made no money in the process of using your POS phone.
Females average 12.3 sex partners.
Males average 10 sex partners.
Although it's common knowledge, we now have firm proof that many girls are either sluts or bisexual :thumbsup:
The number of android users has no bearing on how many people those users sleep with. Are you insinuating that cell phone users only hook up with people that have the same kind of phone as them? Also, android has been around a long time. Google bought Android Inc. in 2005 so they could release their own phones. Finally, android has a higher marketshare than the iphone, what are we waiting for exactly?
On the contrary, I hear all the elitist business bunch are really into dem blackberry's.
This FTW
Yes the company was bought but the first phone that came out by google and htc was the g1 hence the name. I got it when it first came out in sept of 2008
Gi release date
Which is not quite 2 years ago like I said. And this whole thread is based off the fact that people sleep with people that own specific types of phones. I am just saying the android community is still small and unknown therefor there will be less people that are involved in these statistics. As well I didnt not figure this to be a huge debate thread as you seem to have made it. I posted for lulz.
It's not a debate when everything you said is wrong; that was just me correcting you. I know when the G1 came out, but you make it seem like that's when android was created, but that's incorrect. lolwut?
This thread says that iphone users sleep with more people than other smartphone users. There could only be one iphone in existence and he could STILL get more poon that any other smartphone user. The number of iphones has nothing at all to do with how many people iphone users sleep with. To make it clear: There are more android users than iphone users. The android community is NOT small and unknown, it's larger than the iphone community. There are fewer iphone users than android users. I said the same thing many times so hopefully one of them will sink in.
Android did come out with the g1. It was started before that but googles android didnt come to the public till the g1. And yeah that second part of my post i made an error I fixed it. And as for the more android users then Iphone thats because not many now how to get unlocked phones and Iphone is only for AT&T and androids are everywhere. But enough of this I was basically just saying that the androids are the best because of the fact that they are completely open sourced and fun to mess around with. That was all I was really trying to state.
Not entirely. It's actually because Google allows many different phone manufacturers to use the android OS. Even if the iphone was on different networks (they're supposed to be coming to verizon next year, btw) they probably still wouldn't have more users because of this.
Really, this is the same reason apple has a smaller market share with computers. If apple allowed different hardware manufacturers like dell, hp, asus, etc. to use their mac OS there would be more competitive prices and a much larger market share. Since apple only legally allows the mac OS to be put on apple's own hardware, there are much fewer mac computers out there.
Does .1 count as a handjob? If you receive 10 handjobs, does it add up to 1 sexual partner?
It's an average.
Man1: 3
Man2: 8
Man3: 27
Total: 38
Average: 12.66666666667
Aaaaaand joke ruined. :mad:
lock this
I have to agree with you. The thread has gone totally off topic and become a technology discussion, which would be fine if this were T&T. Debating which phone is better deserves its own thread in another forum. If you guys want to continue this debate I suggest that's what you do.