Last night around 2 AM i was having sex with my girlfriend, and she was panting really hard and knocking on the walls. I walk out about 15 minutes later and saw her son watching TV and said "You're still awake!?!" Shit was awkward. It's weird because you know that at some point they are going to catch you having sex but you prefer to believe that they won't. It's kind of awkward to talk to him now with that thought of last night going through my mind.
Has this ever happened to you guys or am i the only unlucky one?
Oh, right, this is you we're talking about...
oh right look for another thread like this that has the same pink sad face on SGs first page
14minutes was a long time to have a cigarette bro.
Damn! never been in that predicament before:(......I wouldn't worry about it unless he's 33 or some shit like that.:D
You're doing it wrong!
Oh lawl. Well then move out you leech. People have carnal needs, your ma is gonna get your freak on with you around or not. If you're too lazy to get a job and move out, the least you can do is offer to video tape it for them.
mad......Cool story bro:thumbsup:
Well played Pope.......:o
Oh, well sucks for you and your sensitivities.
My parents are in their 50's and still fuck. So what. I hope to still be gettin down when I'm that old too.
If your dating a girl who already has a kid she either is hot, rich, or your desperate. Period.
That was my case. Had no interest in dating her. But she was going through a divorce, and I had just broken up with my girlfriend, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get drunk and repeatedly fuck a hot venezuelan chick.